Ask a Question Buy the software for my developer

If I buy the software for my developer, then after the project is finished can the software key be changed so he can no longer use it and I can add it to another developer later? The reason is that...
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Latest By Support Team

10 July 2019

Started 09 July 2019 by Vogue Web Services

Ask a Question Desktop Dashboard

Hi, I have a Desktop version and created or duplicated pages but it seems that when I go to the dashboard, I can't reorder. Could you help me with this issue? Thanks,
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Latest By Support Team

11 July 2019

Started 11 July 2019 by lynne.collins

Ask a Question Import-Export Section and Pages in NicePage !!!

To create our custom design we need to be able to import/export section/pages. In this way we can create all custom pages/section we want, and we can import them in a website when we need.
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Latest By Support Team

12 July 2019

Started 11 July 2019 by AlphaByte

Ask a Question Newbe confused !

Hi I have created a web page and exported and ftp'd successfully. but when I go to the site , It is not being shown properly Please advise Ron from Canada
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14 July 2019

Started 12 July 2019 by keyboard

Ask a Question Best practise for building website with nicepage.

Hallo I am still new to NP and to responsive design. What would be considered best practise in he development of a new page? Would you first make the desktop version and then look at the other...
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Latest By Support Team

18 July 2019

Started 12 July 2019 by EZZENZ

Ask a Question Nicepage should be updateable even without internet connection

Hello, Nicepage Team. Hope you´re having a great day. I have a personal license of Nicepage, and I´m not having internet services at home right now for some personal problems... and I´ve just noticed...
7 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

31 July 2019

Started 12 July 2019 by LGALLP

Ask a Question Blog

Hi, I'm building a website in joomla using nicepage and k2 for manage articles. If i want to create a page in np so it can be awesome and adding for example the latest articles from k2 how can i do?...
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12 May 2020

Started 13 July 2019 by fbozzardini2

Ask a Question HTML Datei im Template bearbeiten

Es muss doch möglich sein, dass ich die favicon.ico Datei in den HTML Code einzufügen. Wo ist die entsprechende Datei? Andere Möglichkeit: Wie füge ich diese ico Datei ein? Danke für ein Antwort.
10 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

25 December 2019

Started 14 July 2019 by Pixelman

Ask a Question menu button text padding

Hi, I can set the menu button text padding used vertical and horizontal button in the previous version. I just used desktop version v1.11.1 to create a new site, and found vertical and horizontal...
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Latest By Support Team

16 July 2019

Started 15 July 2019 by moonwongjw2

Ask a Question Publish button

Hallo I just upgraded to Nicepage Pro, but I see no "publish" button as in the tutorial videos. I am on the desktop version on Mac ver. 1.11.1 Thanks /Ulf
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Latest By Support Team

17 July 2019

Started 16 July 2019 by EZZENZ

Ask a Question Can't find my websites.

My websites, on the online version of nicepage, have disappeared. Any idea on how I can get them back?
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Latest By Support Team

16 July 2019

Started 16 July 2019 by web240

Ask a Question Video Catalog

I can create a site with the following basic functions: - Video catalog (hosted in VIMEO). - user subscription through monthly and recurrent payment to access the catalog. - possibility to process...
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

17 July 2019

Started 16 July 2019 by hcamusso2

Ask a Question Nicepage not activated.

I keep getting the following message when I try to activate my product "Sorry, we can't activate your copy of Nicepage, because you have no a license." I purchased this product on July 10 and...
8 Replies
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Latest By praygodkyle

05 June 2021

Started 17 July 2019 by prmaley

Ask a Question 3rd party theme

will the page editor work with or astra themes for WordPress for better menu options?
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19 July 2019

Started 18 July 2019 by mhele

Ask a Question strange screenshot

Hi, I just updated nicepage to version v1.11.3 and found some left side bar so strange, it show my existing project in two screenshot, when I go to click it, it will select two screenshot in same...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

23 July 2019

Started 19 July 2019 by moonwongjw2