Best practise for building website with nicepage.

45 Posts
EZZENZ posted this 12 July 2019
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I am still new to NP and to responsive design.

What would be considered best practise in he development of a new page?

Would you first make the desktop version and then look at the other versions, or would you do it for every single page or even every single module on a page?

I know that there probably is not only one answer to this, but I seek inspiration to do it as fast and effective as possible.



Hallo I am still new to NP and to responsive design. What would be considered best practise in he development of a new page? Would you first make the desktop version and then look at the other versions, or would you do it for every single page or even every single module on a page? I know that there probably is not only one answer to this, but I seek inspiration to do it as fast and effective as possible. Thanks /Ulf
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 18 July 2019


What would be considered best practice in the development of a new page?

Please use blocks.

Would you first make the desktop version and then look at the other versions, or would you do it for every single page or even every single module on a page?

It's all up to you.

Please schedule a live demo, and we will be happy to help you and guide through Nicepage.

Nicepage Support Team

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Ulf, > What would be considered best practice in the development of a new page? Please use blocks. > Would you first make the desktop version and then look at the other versions, or would you do it for every single page or even every single module on a page? It's all up to you. Please schedule a live demo, and we will be happy to help you and guide through Nicepage. ................................................... Sincerely, Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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