Good afternoon! Whenever I try to make or save a change to the template, Nice Page restarts and I lose what I did, I can not even work on the program, this problem happened after upgrading to version...
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Latest By Support Team

21 June 2019

Started 20 June 2019 by JMTárrio

Ask a Question removed complains

I just responded to a legitimate complaint from someone, but before I finished, the page had already disappeared. Personally, I think it is very childish to take that action, because most of the...
3 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Lynn

27 June 2019

Started 22 June 2019 by Willem

Ask a Question Can I give a SUB MENU a different background color in Button Popup (Mobile menu)?

Hi there I have 3 levels in my Menu (with a lot of items in the sub menus) In the mobile version as I "expand" the menu then a sub menu and then a sub sub menu there is NO diferentiation between...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

24 June 2019

Started 22 June 2019 by El Shay

Ask a Question lightbox background

I have Image Lightbox on my page. It works fine except that on zoom, the background is black. I cannot see the navigation controls to scroll through the images.
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Latest By Support Team

14 January 2020

Started 22 June 2019 by curcios0877

Wishlist Nicepage Update: June 25, 2019

Hello Everyone! We are glad to present the new update of Nicepage! Briefly, we have changed the mechanism of working with the Mobile Views, improved the Tutorial, added margins, and added the Best...
4 Replies
5 Votes

Latest By Support Team

02 July 2019

Started 24 June 2019 by Support Team

Ask a Question very good editor, but ...

Regards, sorry for what I am going to write here but I wanted to tell you something, I am a client of Artisteer since 2009, I bought my license, I renewed the license a couple of times to get version...
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Latest By Support Team

26 June 2019

Started 25 June 2019 by soundclock

Ask a Question Downloading Windows App Issue

The windows online installer is not working or getting stuck is there a link were i can download an offline version? I tried on more than one computer.
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

21 February 2022

Started 26 June 2019 by gerald32

Ask a Question Do you have news about the Mega Menu?

Do you have news about the Mega Menu? Do you think this feature will be implemented in less than a month? I need information to know which tool I will use for a new project :-) Thanks !
9 Replies
10 Votes

Latest By Auguste

22 November 2022

Started 28 June 2019 by Auguste

Ask a Question Outdated jQuery v1.9.1 from Nicepage have known security vulnerabilities

Hi. Google Chrome DevTool Audit show that jQuery library from Nicepage is outdated and have known security vulnerabilities. Why Nicepage use jQuery v1.9.1 instead v3.4.x?
7 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

13 April 2020

Started 03 July 2019 by Vitaliy WD

Ask a Question I have a company license

Hi, I have a company license. How many users can use this license at the same time or separately? Can I use it for online version? Regards.
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Latest By Support Team

04 July 2019

Started 03 July 2019 by koralk

Ask a Question Exported Joomla Imported but Nav not showing on live site

I need some guidance to get the nav to show up in joomla. Desktop version is ready and so I did the export, imported to the joomla site. Everything looks good except there is no navigation? Joomla is...
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Latest By Support Team

08 July 2019

Started 05 July 2019 by Soundwks

Ask a Question Html export does not seem to work.

When I design the page and preview in all browsers locally the page looks great. When I export in Html it looks terrible. It almost looks like the css file is not working correctly. First image shows...
11 Replies
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01 September 2021

Started 06 July 2019 by nclonts2

Ask a Question acitvation problem

Hi Mac application still activated for pro version. When I sign in on chrome It ask to buy a licence. I did sign out and sign in again no change.
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Latest By Support Team

08 July 2019

Started 07 July 2019 by oraclepac2

Ask a Question Google Re-captcha in the contact form

I need to include a code for Google Re-captcha in the contact form. I accessed the content of the page containing the form by the database, I included the Re-captcha code, I saved it, but it did not...
12 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By Support Team

12 December 2022

Started 08 July 2019 by Anderson Höfelmann

Ask a Question Blog creator does not work

Why when I select the blog selection it tells me on the desktop version is this not apart of the software. Please help on this issue.
7 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

17 July 2019

Started 09 July 2019 by designtryx