Ask a Question cloning a page in Wordpress

is it possible to clone a page or section in Wordpress and apply it to another page?
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Latest By Support Team

10 March 2020

Started 09 March 2020 by tom7

Ask a Question Always have 2 themes

I uploaded nicepage plugin to my site. I start building a 3-4 hr landing page my first time using nicepage and i still have the active theme as the front page. The only way to build a website is to...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

30 March 2020

Started 09 March 2020 by iclickprofit

Ask a Question Gallery slider in grid

Hi, Nice Page Team, how can I create a gallery slide in a window of a grid? I'd like to have the arrows underneath the images and have them change when clicking on the arrows. I add a screenshot of...
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Latest By Support Team

10 March 2020

Started 09 March 2020 by puchenson

Ask a Question Client editing

What is the best way to let clients edit the website content (texts, images, info etc..) without having possibility to change the design? Only editing the content for maintenance!
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22 November 2023

Started 09 March 2020 by charlie61

Ask a Question hyperlink color

I add a hyperlink in a text, but the color remains black and does'nt change It occurs only in one of the pages of my site Other pages react normally Thanks
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Latest By Support Team

10 March 2020

Started 10 March 2020 by smlqr9

Ask a Question Create a graphic style for product sheets

In this example I am using a component of Joomla: k2. I would like to create the graphics on Nicepage and apply the style to each product page. It's possible?
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Latest By Support Team

11 March 2020

Started 10 March 2020 by piquant1969

Ask a Question how do you get back to my sites

if i am editing one site. how do i get back to my sites to edit another site without login out
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

12 March 2020

Started 10 March 2020 by mickymillward1

Ask a Question Responsive mode problem

I have used NP for over a year now and built 3 different sites. I really like NP and the fast and intuitive way you can build your projects. I made a simple desktop template when I started, uploaded...
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Latest By gl13

11 March 2020

Started 10 March 2020 by gl13

Ask a Question test

Hi. I read the answers I will be grateful for the...
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Latest By Alех

10 March 2020

Started 10 March 2020 by Alех

Ask a Question Grid not adjusting correctly on mobile

I did a 2 by 2 grid. It look great in desktop, laptop and tablet. The picture is above the text it relates with. See grid1.jpg In the mobile views the picture go on top of each other and then the text...
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Latest By Support Team

11 March 2020

Started 10 March 2020 by ifawcett

Ask a Question Menu Items

Cannot add menu items to Header......... Tried several ways. Is this a bug
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27 January 2023

Started 10 March 2020 by bazpascoe2

Report a bug Offcanvas menu bug in desktop mode

Hello Nicepage team. When opening an offcanvas menu in desktop mode, there is always a small jump, when the offcanvas menu is open, there is no right side browser scrolling area, and when it closes,...
2 Replies
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Latest By shaulhadar

11 March 2020

Started 11 March 2020 by shaulhadar

Wishlist Please add the option to change the icons in the list element

Hello Nicepage team. It would be realy great if we could change the bullet icons in the bullet list control... Currently it is only the dots.. I mean something like in themler, when you can assign...
3 Replies
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13 December 2021

Started 11 March 2020 by shaulhadar

Wishlist Image editor

I think there would be great with a image editor in nicepage for small edits like brightness, erase tool, filters, color tone, exposure etc. for fast edits that not needed to be done in a external...
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Latest By Support Team

12 March 2020

Started 11 March 2020 by charlie61

Ask a Question Joomla theme... how it works?

I can't get the jooma theme I made to work. I have made the theme with Nice Desktop version, I exported the theme in a zip file. I installed the theme on my Joomla website... The only things that I...
7 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

12 March 2020

Started 11 March 2020 by comesifasrls2