Report a bug The video sound is not working

Hello. When we select the option to play the video automatically, then the sound does not work with the video. Below you can watch a video on the website we are...
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Latest By Support Team

05 October 2023

Started 05 October 2023 by pnvteam

Ask a Question Responsive Design, best practice

Hi Nicepage, I was wondering what the best procedure is to add to a page: 2 buttons, side by side. My Options are: a) 2 Button elements in a Block = each Button Element must be manually adjusted for...
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16 October 2023

Started 13 October 2023 by mattamonro

Ask a Question Language switcher

Hello, I am currently moving a website theme from Themler to Nicepage based on Joomla. All my content comes from Joomla. The website should be able to switch between 3 languages (danish, german and...
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15 October 2023

Started 13 October 2023 by lars158

Ask a Question Full screen videos as background

Hello there, I have been really enjoying nicepage recently and have just taken on some website jobs. I wanted to know before I buy the most expensive package whether there is a way to get the scrub...
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18 October 2023

Started 18 October 2023 by thearthurjones

Ask a Question Pages size, changed views

Hello people I think Nicepage is quite good. But I'm struggling with the different monitor settings. Content width , Large 1400 , Desktop 1140, Latop 940 Can someone explain me these values please...
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24 October 2023

Started 23 October 2023 by tdi-tuning

Ask a Question How I can add custom Html code so I can view a map that I have created

Hi, Can you please tell me how I can add custom Html code so I can view a map that I have created Sorry but just in case I thought some insight into my request maybe useful so i have pasted in my...
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Latest By Support Team

25 October 2023

Started 25 October 2023 by eeasypeazy

Ask a Question image slides to the side in mobile view

Hi dear support! In desktop use, the image i put in template is slide to the side in mobile view? What shall I do to keep it in the middle? Thanks in advance, Kind regards, Viki PS: I really love...
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26 October 2023

Started 26 October 2023 by ernstviki

Ask a Question Password acces Page

Hi, is there a possibility to enter a password on the pages? I explain what I want to do. I have a button that when I click opens a password form and based on the password entered opens the dedicated...
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11 November 2023

Started 11 November 2023 by gianlucolici

Ask a Question TEXT page break

je možne na stránke keď mám veľmi dlhy text jeho časť dat schovať a pridať tlačítko čítať viac a on sa rozbalí do celej dĺžky a potom sa to tlačidlo zmení na čítať menej a po kliknutí sa zasa text...
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Latest By Support Team

25 November 2023

Started 24 November 2023 by infostebo

Report a bug Setting up correct canonical tags in Joomla with Nicepage

Unfortunately, Nicepage does not correctly implement canonical tags in Joomla. Here's the workaround I've found which works well: Optimized Process for Configuring Canonical and Open Graph Tags in...
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Latest By marcus60

28 November 2023

Started 28 November 2023 by marcus60

Ask a Question Program

How can I program a button? I have two textboxes with a calendar type. When I click the button, I want it to display the date I picked from the first textbox and show how many days the difference is
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04 December 2023

Started 03 December 2023 by omabtangmarcneilsen

Ask a Question Created Wordpress Template

Hi, I created a wordpress template and uploaded it to the my server. I am wondering how I could arrange the posts on the startpage in a single list instead 3x3 columns. Could you help on that?...
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14 December 2023

Started 12 December 2023 by bilder

Ask a Question Formular

Hello, how can i make a Formular. NOT Contact Form. Any Formular, waht visitors fill out. Thanks Alex
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14 December 2023

Started 14 December 2023 by alexanderkiss1966

Ask a Question Using categories in Wordpress

Hello! Could you please help with using categories in Nicepage + Wordpress? I found a wordpress plugin "Pages with category and tag" that can define the category to chosen page. But when adding...
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2 weeks ago

Started 23 December 2023 by secretuser

Ask a Question Carousel

Hi NP, is it possible to adjust the carousel so that on pressing the arrow button only one element moves forward? Right now i have 6 elements in the carousel. Pressing the button means moving on to...
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28 December 2023

Started 28 December 2023 by innovis_medienagentur