Ask a Question Grid Repeater

I am using Grid Repeater five rows, five columns. I need to remove all content from the very last two blocks on the last row. I have a jpg and button that needs to be removed. When I do this, it...
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Latest By Support Team

18 January 2024

Started 18 January 2024 by mlevans

Ask a Question Перемещение элементов в списке

Привет, я использую версию 6.4.0 выбираю список (например для отзывов) добавляю текст, и когда мне нужно передвинуть аватарки, или текстовые блоки у меня перемещаются все элементы (все аватарки и все...
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Latest By Support Team

05 February 2024

Started 04 February 2024 by mafusail1900

Ask a Question How to create a list

Sorry, I am ...brand new! And know anything about NP, so it is just a silly question. I wish to create a list of downloadable documents A table with just one column would be perfect but tablems have...
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Latest By Support Team

07 February 2024

Started 05 February 2024 by giovanni.becattini2

Report a bug Modal Popup critical bug with shading color

Dear developers, with the latest version of NicePage Desktop, a critical bug has been introduced to the Modal Shading of Modal Popups. If you want to change the shading color of the Modal Popup in...
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Latest By Support Team

04 April 2024

Started 09 February 2024 by DG Media

Wishlist Audio Element

Audio Element - Safari on iPhone & FireFox on Windows 10 almost always fails Hi, My new church website uses the Audio Element for over 500 sermons in 72 webpages, and we love it. (1) The Audio...
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Latest By Support Team

20 March 2024

Started 12 March 2024 by johnny.fowler2

Ask a Question Table - no. of rows

Hello team, do you plan to enhance the number of table rows? I want to use it as a monthly calendar and 15 rows don't help. Why it's limited to 15? That's not clear for me. Could be also 20, 30, 50...
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Latest By Support Team

02 May 2024

Started 28 April 2024 by reinald.assheuer

Ask a Question Side column in the main content

In addition to the wide main content, I need a narrower column with navigation (example of the website that we rebuilt with Nicepage: I have found a guide for...
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Latest By Support Team

02 May 2024

Started 29 April 2024 by christian4142

Ask a Question Black box at the end of a video

A video ends with a black box. How do I get the beginning frame of the video to be shown again (preferably with the arrow to start). I don't want it to repeat in a loop and with the poster function...
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Latest By Support Team

06 May 2024

Started 06 May 2024 by wilhei55

Ask a Question Edit single element in list

Hi, I'm tring to edit single element in list (contact page on WP plugin) and all element are interest from my action (for example if add a text to first element in list, also 2th and 3th elements are...
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Latest By Support Team

14 May 2024

Started 13 May 2024 by ampero

Ask a Question I am trying to edit individual item on the list, but it changes all the items.

Hi, Please see the video and help me with this. Or let me how I can pick the single items to the cell of some other grid,
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Latest By gbthakkar

20 May 2024

Started 18 May 2024 by gbthakkar

Ask a Question How to place fields side by side within a form

Hi, is it possible to build a form with multiple columns or placing several fields just side by side? Something like f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 and so on. Thanks GPS
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Latest By Support Team

22 May 2024

Started 21 May 2024 by nicepage13972

Ask a Question Question Portfolio ?

Hello, I have been looking for all the ways to create a boutique-style portfolio. This is something common on the web, I do not know what to do with this situation because it has been more than a week...
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Latest By Support Team

30 May 2024

Started 24 May 2024 by jbcloud

Wishlist Extend Video/Youtube To Include Arguments

Please consider extending block element for {Video/URL} (i.e. Youtube), such that the {Embed} feature and additional arguments can be added, as in the example...
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Latest By Support Team

25 May 2024

Started 24 May 2024 by rbecker

Wishlist Competition draw like FA cup last 32

How can you get a sports competition draw on a page. Something like the FA cup last 32 showing 32 to the final. Similar to Wimbledon etc. Looking at 32 on the left going to 2 on the right by rounds...
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Latest By Support Team

26 May 2024

Started 25 May 2024 by daintrc

Ask a Question Display changing

I'm completely new to building a website but have managed it with Nicepage, however as I get ready to launch the site, I've noticed that the display messes up when used on different devices. What can...
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Latest By mrschirewa

5 weeks ago

Started 5 weeks ago by mrschirewa