Ask a Question Re-size grid

Hi I used to be able to drag the cells within a grid to the size I need them. Has this been removed? I need this in order to properly design the pages I am working on!
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23 January 2023

Started 23 January 2023 by richard242

Ask a Question Multi step form

Hi, the new feature "multi step form" will be available into the checkout template? Gabriele
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Latest By Support Team

06 February 2023

Started 31 January 2023 by

Wishlist Bug, Feature Request : Saved alert staying up too long and not consistent. Solution: Decrease time of it 50-75%.

Bug - UI/Interaction, UI component update request: Look at the timing... it stays up too long. thanks for taking a look at this very minor triviality. I have encountered other non-repeatable bugs, I...
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Latest By Support Team

02 February 2023

Started 02 February 2023 by mark28282

Ask a Question Объект Grid.

Здравствуйте. У меня на странице есть несколько Grid элементов. В каждом по две ячейки. Мне нужно, чтобы на десктопной версии сайта эти ячейки располагались горизонтально, а на мобильной версии -...
4 Replies
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Latest By lazyfox555

04 March 2023

Started 03 March 2023 by lazyfox555

Ask a Question Stop Spam

How do i stop spam messages on my sites?
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Latest By frey2

31 March 2023

Started 22 March 2023 by getroyaltyservices

Ask a Question How can I give my team access for making site updates like text and images?

Hello, I am part of a small group and need to give access to two or three people so they can also update texting images on our groups web site. I am currently the NicePage account holder and site...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

09 April 2023

Started 05 April 2023 by Little Beverly Hills Neighborhood Organization

Ask a Question Remove Auto Mute From Video Element For The 1000th Time

Can you stop this auto mute rubbish on the video element for the 1000th time of asking it never had this before it means you can't make background music videos for your pages which i want because the...
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28 April 2023

Started 27 April 2023 by

Ask a Question Grid repeater with html script

Hi, I need to make a grid repeater with a line that represents a different completion percentage of a task in each block. I'm using the following script: <div class="w3-blue w3-container...
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16 May 2023

Started 15 May 2023 by wordpress1002

Ask a Question Joomla left + right sidebar

Hi, I need to have 2 sidebar in some of my Joomla blog template, how can I do it? There is only one option or the other but in some case I need both, why is not permitted? Thanks Nancy
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5 days ago

Started 05 June 2023 by A12 Web Studio

Ask a Question Block contents keep moving

I have created a block on the home page and saved it when I publish the site the block does not show correctly the buttos that are on the block are all over the place. I have tried several thing but...
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19 June 2023

Started 15 June 2023 by chris.debanks

Ask a Question Pause youtube embed

Good day, I wanted to ask how I can prevent visitors to the website from being able to pause the video.
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Latest By marcus60

20 June 2023

Started 17 June 2023 by Sorrow Finest

Ask a Question Forms beyond simple contact

Hi! We need to design a webpage there requires a large form to capture several fields. Most of the forms that I can find in Nicepage are pretty simple Contact forms Would you please guide me to...
7 Replies
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01 April 2024

Started 27 June 2023 by mbrainsky

Ask a Question Need custom spacing between paragraphs

I would like to have control over spacing before and after text headlines and paragraphs that can be set as needed, I have not been able to find this feature so far in Nicepage.
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01 July 2023

Started 01 July 2023 by LenWilliams

Wishlist What is the difference between font-size and font-style properties?

FontItalic specifies whether the component’s text should be italic or not. FontSize specifies whether the component’s text is BIG or small, with the unit as points. FontTypeface specifies whether the...
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29 August 2023

Started 29 August 2023 by erynturner9

Ask a Question Mobile responsive

Bonjour, Existe- t'il une solution pour que mes pages s'adaptent automatiquement pour la version mobile ? Je suis obligée de revoir toutes les pages une par une pour les adapter au format mobile,...
3 Replies
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31 August 2023

Started 31 August 2023 by fabienne.sherpa