Wishlist Tirar nome da nicepage do dominio e usar o meu

Boa tarde! Gostaria de saber se tem alguma plano de vocês de que da pra fazer mas queria um barato por que queria apenas tirar o nome do site e usar meu...
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Latest By Support Team

24 January 2022

Started 23 January 2022 by kamaelcontatos

Ask a Question regarding the client licenses

i see that i will create a domain or a email in the client section in your website in the client section add to my license how to add a customer client but i don't understand how i will provide the...
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Latest By Support Team

26 January 2022

Started 26 January 2022 by nsarantopoulos68

Ask a Question Export Custom Templates to Wordpress as part of Theme

I have created Custom Templates in Nicepage Desktop but they don't export with the theme. Is this a bug or a missing feature?
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18 November 2022

Started 27 January 2022 by chris.boott2

Ask a Question css size

Hi, I notices that the css file is huge, more than 1Mb size. Is any way to remove all extra styles and make it small?
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28 February 2022

Started 28 January 2022 by peter965

Ask a Question Upload directly from Nicepage app

Hi guys, I'm just not understanding how Wordpress works so I was wondering if there is a way of uploading directly from the Nicepage app (from my MacBook) to my webserver. Thanks G.
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04 February 2022

Started 02 February 2022 by RALGA

Ask a Question Required WebPage Builder

Looking for Slaes Page / Webiste JS Builder. Is your Builder works on Web with JS. If yes then Can I see any documentation?
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Latest By Support Team

04 February 2022

Started 04 February 2022 by majeed7

Ask a Question Can I allow my clients to edit the templates through custom CMS with pro license?

Hi, I would like to know if I design a theme from Nicepage pro license, can i use them to load on my website which is CMS platform that allows my client to further customize the theme as per their...
6 Replies
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Latest By dma

08 March 2022

Started 08 February 2022 by kamaleshdams

Ask a Question Login Forms

You guys should implement login and register templates for regular websites. We developers know how to add php and asp to templates. But not being able to even add the html and css is driving me nuts,...
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09 February 2022

Started 09 February 2022 by onlylegendleft

Ask a Question Frontend Editing / Inline Editing

I am currently using the free version of Nicepage to create a template for Joomla. In Joomla there is the option in the Global Configurations for Frontend Editing (Joomla 4) and Inline Editing...
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Latest By Support Team

24 February 2022

Started 14 February 2022 by kleinschroth.nico2

Ask a Question theme speed

How are the theme speeds? how do i get results in page speed app
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Latest By Giumarr

22 October 2022

Started 14 February 2022 by ertuy81

Ask a Question Joomla 4 template

Hello, I'm working with Joomla V3 and V4. When creating a new theme I export the the theme or the "Export Site" function and choose which Joomla Version I need. That works great. There will be a...
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17 February 2022

Started 16 February 2022 by KAIROS

Ask a Question Theme default for joomla 4

Hi Please how do I create a default theme for Joomla 4? This theme will be the default throughout the website. How to create on nicepage desktop and then export to add to joomla 4 as...
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17 February 2022

Started 17 February 2022 by JPR

Ask a Question upgrade von themler zu nicepage

Hallo ich habe eine Themler license und möchte jetzt zu nicepage updaten. Aber ich möchte eine andere email damit verbinden. Geht das? Frage: Kann ich alter Themler themes mit nicepage...
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23 February 2022

Started 21 February 2022 by uckerschwan

Report a bug Theme installation failed...see below

It says: The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet. Theme installation failed. Screen shot attached of error and the .zip file is attached I tried to up...
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

24 February 2022

Started 22 February 2022 by Internet Soft

Ask a Question Probleme Responsive Ansicht Smartphone

Hello to the team, unfortunately I have some problems. The mobile view is never optimized for Google. It never looks the same on the smartphone as in the preview. Nothing changes when I change...
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Latest By Support Team

28 February 2022

Started 26 February 2022 by AC-VISIONS