Need custom spacing between paragraphs

9 Posts
LenWilliams posted this 01 July 2023
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I would like to have control over spacing before and after text headlines and paragraphs that can be set as needed, I have not been able to find this feature so far in Nicepage.

I would like to have control over spacing before and after text headlines and paragraphs that can be set as needed, I have not been able to find this feature so far in Nicepage.
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 01 July 2023

Hi, Len,

Have you tried to use these options?

enter image description here

Paul C.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hi, Len, Have you tried to use these options? ![enter image description here][1] ................................................... Sincerely, Paul C. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook: [1]:
9 Posts
LenWilliams posted this 01 July 2023

Could you clarify just what the T B L and R mean? Nicepage is a good program but I find the training instructions very lacking. I find that just finding where the controls are for various functions are is extremely time consuming, frustrating and not very intuitive. When I'm working with text I'd love it if the right click brought out a drop-down menu containing all of the text controls all in one place. Nicepage forces me to hunt in several places to find the controls I'm looking for, which slows my development time,

Could you clarify just what the T B L and R mean? Nicepage is a good program but I find the training instructions very lacking. I find that just finding where the controls are for various functions are is extremely time consuming, frustrating and not very intuitive. When I'm working with text I'd love it if the right click brought out a drop-down menu containing all of the text controls all in one place. Nicepage forces me to hunt in several places to find the controls I'm looking for, which slows my development time,
Support Team
Support Team posted this 01 July 2023

Hello Len,

We are sorry to hear that faced some issues with text formatting, we are using the most common abbreviation that is used in CSS or text formatting.
Thanks for giving your feedback to us, that will help Nicepage to become better.

T - top, B - bottom, L - left, R - right, and you could set any paddings in numbers in pixels or you could use the "auto" option

Negat Veri
Nicepage Support Team

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Hello Len, We are sorry to hear that faced some issues with text formatting, we are using the most common abbreviation that is used in CSS or text formatting. Thanks for giving your feedback to us, that will help Nicepage to become better. T - top, B - bottom, L - left, R - right, and you could set any paddings in numbers in pixels or you could use the "auto" option ................................................... Sincerely, Negat Veri Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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