How to solve this?

9 Posts
guido.herben posted this 24 September 2021
Report a bug

I need to develop a decent template for my website, so I tried to upload to my Joomla 4 (non-beta, but real Joomla 4) site. No way... Troubles.
I activated the debugger and saw :

********** FATAL ERROR ********************************

HTTP 500 Whoops, looks like something went wrong.

Error: Class NicepageInstallerJAdministratorWrapper contains 1 abstract method and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (Joomla\Application\AbstractApplication::doExecute)

************************************ EXCEPTION tab **********************************

in /home/mywebsite/public_html/tmp/install_614d90e1594ce/install.script.php (line 414)

    if (!class_exists('NicepageInstallerJAdministratorWrapper')) {
         * Class NicepageInstallerJAdministratorWrapper
        class NicepageInstallerJAdministratorWrapper extends JApplicationCms
             * @var JApplicationCms
            protected $app;

************************************ STACK Trace tab **********************************

Error: Class NicepageInstallerJAdministratorWrapper contains 1 abstract method and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (Joomla\Application\AbstractApplication::doExecute)

at /home/mywebsite/public_html/tmp/install_614d8a29b8f81/install.script.php:414

I need to develop a decent template for my website, so I tried to upload to my Joomla 4 (non-beta, but real Joomla 4) site. No way... Troubles. I activated the debugger and saw : ************** FATAL ERROR ************************************ HTTP 500 Whoops, looks like something went wrong. Error: Class NicepageInstallerJAdministratorWrapper contains 1 abstract method and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (Joomla\Application\AbstractApplication::doExecute) **************************************** EXCEPTION tab ************************************** in /home/***mywebsite***/public_html/tmp/install_614d90e1594ce/install.script.php (line 414) if (!class_exists('NicepageInstallerJAdministratorWrapper')) { /** * Class NicepageInstallerJAdministratorWrapper */ class NicepageInstallerJAdministratorWrapper extends JApplicationCms { /** * @var JApplicationCms */ protected $app; **************************************** STACK Trace tab ************************************** Symfony\Component\ErrorHandler\Error\FatalError: Error: Class NicepageInstallerJAdministratorWrapper contains 1 abstract method and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (Joomla\Application\AbstractApplication::doExecute) at /home/***mywebsite***/public_html/tmp/install_614d8a29b8f81/install.script.php:414
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6 Replies
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 24 September 2021

Hi Guido,

The support for Joomla 4 version is not complete yet. Please consider exporting the plug-in for Joomla 4 version from the desktop application. The one you download from our site is the plug-in for Joomla 3 version.

Nicepage Support Team

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel:
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Hi Guido, The support for Joomla 4 version is not complete yet. Please consider exporting the plug-in for Joomla 4 version from the desktop application. The one you download from our site is the plug-in for Joomla 3 version. ................................................... Sincerely, Hella Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
9 Posts
guido.herben posted this 24 September 2021

Nope, it says it is for Joomla 4 as your site describes.
The desktop-application says Joomla 4 beta, but I have the REAL stable Joomla 4, no beta.

Nope, it says it is for Joomla 4 as your site describes. The desktop-application says Joomla 4 beta, but I have the REAL stable Joomla 4, no beta.
Support Team
Support Team posted this 24 September 2021

Hi Guido,

We mean that our support for the new Joomla 4 is in beta stage. Please export the plug-in from the desktop application and try to install it on the site.

Nicepage Support Team

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel:
Follow us on Facebook:

Hi Guido, We mean that our support for the new Joomla 4 is in beta stage. Please export the plug-in from the desktop application and try to install it on the site. ................................................... Sincerely, Hella Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
9 Posts
guido.herben posted this 24 September 2021

Ah ok... I'll try that...

Ah ok... I'll try that...
10 Posts
impresioneseltintero posted this 30 December 2022

Could you solve the problem?
It's been a long time since they gave me an answer, it's absurd that I'm paying for something that doesn't work, tell me how did you solve it?

Could you solve the problem? It's been a long time since they gave me an answer, it's absurd that I'm paying for something that doesn't work, tell me how did you solve it? Please!!!
9 Posts
guido.herben posted this 01 January 2023

Not solved yet. HELP!

Not solved yet. HELP!
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