Ask a Question NICE PAGE

Je trouve ce logiciel GÉNIAL... Est-ce que je peux concevoir et intégrer des FORMULAIRES EN LIGNE avec Nice Page.
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Latest By Support Team

15 December 2021

Started 13 December 2021 by carrefour-lesplumes

Ask a Question sito in due lingue ITA+ENG

Vorrei creare un sito in due lingue, ITA + ENG è possibile ?
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

16 December 2021

Started 16 December 2021 by visual_giga

Ask a Question How to change post template

I need to change post template: 1) I can't add breadcrumbs (it is greyd). How to do it? 2) How to add next/prev buttons (standard Joomla function)?
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

24 December 2021

Started 22 December 2021 by ivanbrat872

Report a bug Button border missing in some views

Hi, I have a "button border" problem in a different page views: In a DESKTOP view (i.e. in the CONTACT form) - the SUBMIT button borders are visible, but SOMETIMES button-borders are not visible in...
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

23 December 2021

Started 22 December 2021 by sb282

Ask a Question PHP Ecommerce site

Hey Nicepage Team I'd pay for an ecommerce website that does not involve wordpress/joomla. Php backend maybe or something similar? I find WP/Joomla annoying to work with. Are there projects to make...
5 Replies
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Latest By voodoo

09 October 2022

Started 23 December 2021 by jayden.harley.elworthy

Ask a Question uploading in github issues??? LF will be replaced by CRLF in nicepage.css.

The file will have its original line endings in your working directory warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF in nicepage.css. The file will have its original line endings in your working...
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Latest By Support Team

27 December 2021

Started 27 December 2021 by ralphsantolorin

Ask a Question Text size of carousel

Hello i have made a pilot page for a customer with a carousel. It look quite well but the customer like to have a bigger font size if the picture is in big view mode (see my attachment? How can I do...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

06 January 2022

Started 02 January 2022 by oneITS

Ask a Question Change content width size

Hello! I need to change the content widht size, for now is fixed on 1140px and couldn't find the place to change this value. Is that possible?
3 Replies
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Latest By MerlinAZ

17 January 2022

Started 07 January 2022 by diogocw

Ask a Question problem with WP plugin

I have problem with activation of nicepage WP plugin. Plugin is instaled but when I try to activate it i get this: Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error. Fatal error:...
2 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By @ITS

21 October 2023

Started 09 January 2022 by ljubohodak

Ask a Question Printer-friendly CSS

Is there any way that HTML pages created with Nicepage can be made printer friendly? When I try to print out either a ready-made template or a self-made page via the browser, the printout looks...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

11 January 2022

Started 09 January 2022 by unrealestate

Ask a Question HAMBURGER menu doesn't change color

When I add hamburger menu to phone version of the site, and try to change the color to white doesn't work. I changed the fill and it stays the same. I only want 3 lines to be white, but instead it...
6 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

25 January 2022

Started 10 January 2022 by fotomatjasic

Ask a Question Contact form Problems on new site

Hi I Have just created a new site ( and the contact form is working but is sending the form result through as HTML see below: <meta http-equiv content>New Form From...
13 Replies
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Latest By jdpeace

21 January 2022

Started 12 January 2022 by jdpeace

Ask a Question Why is Minimum height fixed to 10px?

Dear Nicepage, I wonder why is Minimum Height on a header set to being 10 px? I can manually in the HTML change the style to 2 px, and it works. But why ? And how do I make a permanent change inside...
8 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

22 January 2022

Started 16 January 2022 by THB

Ask a Question Heading hyphenation do not work correctly in Finnish language

Website main heading is KULUISTA KILPAILUVALTTI With hyphenation KU-LU-IS-TA KIL-PAI-LU-VALT-TI In desktop mode it looks grate, because one word is in same line but when word brakes to two lines...
1 Reply
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Latest By Support Team

25 January 2022

Started 22 January 2022 by tomi.viljanen

Report a bug Back to Top transparency

I would like to report a bug with the transparency of the back to top button. I would also find it useful to be able to change the size of the button.
3 Replies
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Latest By Doug G.

29 January 2022

Started 29 January 2022 by AK1985