Ask a Question Mobile responsive view not working in WooCommerce checkout mobile view

Dear Support The checkout page view is not working on mobile version Can you please help me to resolve this issu. Thank you
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Latest By Support Team

17 January 2022

Started 15 January 2022 by BFCINFORMATIQUE

Report a bug Menu-icon size in different views

The menu-icon size, can only be 1 size, for all views!? For wide screen i wanne have a bigger menu-icon size,... for mobile screen i wanne smaller menu-icon size. Not posibble! Only one-size, for...
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Latest By Support Team

11 February 2022

Started 04 February 2022 by Vildana

Ask a Question Edit HTML in code view (refining previous threads)

Hi community. I am using Nicepage mostly for static sites. Reading through the contents I cannot find a clear way to insert HTML into elements (other than the HTML element) or edit in code view. Is...
2 Replies
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Latest By SEO Freelance

03 March 2022

Started 12 February 2022 by SEO Freelance

Report a bug Safari view

Mobile version view moves aside on Safari browser. I checked on IphoneX, Iphone 11pro max, Iphone 12pro it show same aside view. On Chrome browser it works normal but in Safari view moves aside. Dear...
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Latest By Support Team

18 February 2022

Started 15 February 2022 by valentina118

Wishlist Turning animation off on selected views

I need to be able to turn off animations in a specific view (eg mobile view) without turning off animations in all views! On mobile, the animation effect works very strangely, as if the element is...
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Latest By Support Team

29 March 2022

Started 29 March 2022 by mobilenkr

Ask a Question How i can insert 3d model

Well, I try to add a 3d model in the tab section. How i do it? and i trying to have interactions too like this one.
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24 March 2023

Started 12 May 2022 by devil.kestria

Ask a Question Table Mobile View

Table not shrinking in mobile view. Cannot view my table in mobile view. How do I fit a tabel in mobile view?
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Latest By Support Team

25 May 2022

Started 25 May 2022 by support35422

Ask a Question how can i view a site i created locally on the nicepage app on my online account to export the file for use on wordpress

how can i view a site i created locally on the nicepage app on my online account so i can export it from my unlicensed account to a licensed pro account.
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Latest By Support Team

27 June 2022

Started 27 June 2022 by service.theusmarketing

Ask a Question Light and Dark mode switcher button

Hi there, where can I find the light and dark mode button switcher? If it's not exist, how can I alternate that option?
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Latest By Support Team

19 July 2022

Started 18 July 2022 by ardeanbimasaputra

Wishlist Dark mode for websites

Hi. Can you perhaps develop a function for Nicepage to offer a dark mode on its own website? It would be possible if you could just adjust the color palette for the dark mode, then it would also cover...
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Latest By Support Team

21 July 2022

Started 21 July 2022 by xvemanuelvx

Ask a Question Web Page View

Hello, I have been trying to fix something and it doesn't seem to work. One of the pages in my website looks how I want in the Nicepage Wordpress editor, but when I publish it it doesn't match the...
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Latest By Support Team

28 July 2022

Started 28 July 2022 by marinacarreno

Ask a Question Is it possible to make images opaque so text is easier to view?

Is it possible to make images opaque so text is easier to view?
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Latest By MerlinAZ

16 October 2022

Started 16 October 2022 by cesar361

Report a bug Views are not independent. Moving or resizing an element in one view changes the element size and/or position in other views.

You are supposed to be able to move and resize elements for different device views; however, when you resize or move an element in the "portrait phones" view, for example, it also rearranges the...
4 Replies
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Latest By cody.flanagan

18 November 2022

Started 21 October 2022 by

Ask a Question Can you add dark mode to NICEPAGE website ?

Can you add dark mode to NICEPAGE website ?
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Latest By olivier N

27 October 2022

Started 26 October 2022 by olivier N

Ask a Question revert dark mode

I put my nice in dark mode. What is the form to switch to light mode, I don't see the button. Thanks
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Latest By nsavone

22 November 2022

Started 22 November 2022 by nsavone