Report a bug Elements Are Moving When Moved In Different View (Full Screen, Tablet, Mobile, etc)

So I've designed my website and adjusted each of the elements of the different views (Full screen, tablet, mobile, etc.) however when I move an element (a button for example) in one view (mobile for...
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Latest By Support Team

24 April 2023

Started 02 May 2021 by pharmacyfourlife

Ask a Question Responsive mode

I make a good layout in desktop mode. it looks like shit in the other, so I correct them manually. But whatever changes I make in one mode, always affect the others. So I can never have a good design...
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Latest By Support Team

13 May 2021

Started 04 May 2021 by silascumlaude

Report a bug responsive mode problem

Hi! In my site there are pages, that are not made in nicepage, I work on them in the old fashioned way, because they have to be updated. Like this one: If you look at this...
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Latest By Support Team

14 May 2021

Started 08 May 2021 by martin.boeker2

Ask a Question Website view are not proportional view at cellphones

I have made a project with nicepage, when I upload, everything is fine and normally. I try to look from PC or laptop….. everthing is great. But when I look from cellphones or I-pad, the view of...
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Latest By MerlinAZ

29 May 2021

Started 27 May 2021 by sipz1031

Wishlist Having the ability to set a default design view

Hello all, I found that I was having trouble with the Nicepage feature that redirects the current view to desktop every time a new element or block is added to the design. There is an ongoing support...
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Latest By Support Team

31 May 2021

Started 29 May 2021 by damerval

Ask a Question Custom fonts not showing in mobile view

My custom font is not showing up on mobile view. How can this be fixed?
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Latest By Support Team

09 July 2021

Started 24 June 2021 by simone158

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02 July 2021

Started 02 July 2021 by mattj6441

Wishlist Nicepage 3.20: July 14, 2021 - Roles in WordPress. Number of Columns in Mobile Views

Dear Nicepage Users and Followers! We are delighted to present the new version of Nicepage 3.20. What's New in This Update? User Roles in WordPress Role Manager in Nicepage MenuUsing Role...
3 Replies
3 Votes

Latest By trenton_hunt2

22 July 2021

Started 14 July 2021 by Support Team

Ask a Question view full post

In you r reply to question 176813 on viewing a full post and not just the excerpt you gave the solution as Go to the WP admin >> Appearance >> Customizer >> Excerpt tab and uncheck the Use auto...
2 Replies
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Latest By eadld

23 July 2021

Started 23 July 2021 by eadld

Ask a Question Logo disappears when view in browser

In the latest version the logo dose not appear when view in the browser.
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27 July 2021

Started 26 July 2021 by jas_mar

Ask a Question Number of Columns in Mobile Views in Joomla ???

Hello, is this function active in Joomla ? I did not find it. Regards
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Latest By Support Team

29 July 2021

Started 28 July 2021 by frederic

Ask a Question Iphone view responsive problem

Hello, I notice Nicepage has problems with IPhone responsive view. Check with your site, because you have the same problem.
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Latest By Support Team

02 August 2021

Started 30 July 2021 by marpi

Ask a Question Where to find my link to view my website

After i posted my website to the internet i was given a link to view my website. Where do i find this link now?
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Latest By MerlinAZ

02 August 2021

Started 02 August 2021 by pauljptlo2002

Ask a Question gallery in mode grid how to change colour ?

object gallert layout grid mode there is a "red box" with text while mouseOnHover how to change the red tint ? ty
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Latest By Support Team

04 August 2021

Started 04 August 2021 by nerviroberto

Ask a Question How to stop active sliding in design mode

I am not able to edit / design on a page where I have multiple images as slider / active slide. it keeps scrolling automatically even when I am editing them, it is really impacting design. Is there a...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

10 August 2021

Started 04 August 2021 by prasanna202