Ask a Question how to publish to the internet

how to publish to the internet
14 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By shylodaria21

16 July 2022

Started 30 September 2018 by Coupoes

Ask a Question HTML Export CSS Files

Why is there a CSS file created for every single page of an HTML website? I've just exported a project to upload to their server and I see all these css files, each named to suit their...
8 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By Livang

27 May 2021

Started 01 October 2018 by Chae

Ask a Question Problems with videos

Hi, I noticed some problems with the videos: when I insert a video it does not appear in full screen the video does not start automatically when active "automatically start to play" thank you
15 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

20 August 2023

Started 02 October 2018 by marckolomb

Ask a Question NicePage Future

Is NicePage replacing Themler? How long is support for NicePage going to last before its replaced? Support for Artisteer just stopped dead when Themler came along. The forums just became a home for...
1 Reply
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Latest By Support Team

08 October 2018

Started 05 October 2018 by geoffduke.0

Ask a Question Menu Styles

Is there a way to change the "style" of a header menu. I'm unable to see options for the design of the menu like Artisteer. I'm only seeing square or rounded square. Is that all is available in the...
35 Replies
17 Votes

Latest By Brucejag

4 weeks ago

Started 08 October 2018 by kismj

Ask a Question Feature: Rounded Corners with attributes

I would like to request a rounded corners feature for containers and sections. And also an option that one can choose which corners of a specific element to be rounded. For instance, I only want to...
5 Replies
4 Votes

Latest By Tony

25 June 2020

Started 11 October 2018 by Christie G

Ask a Question Social Icons Problems Linkedin

Problems with linkedin when I copy and paste the url address and leave the field automatically change everything I copied. Example: Im copy this Link: When I...
12 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

19 February 2019

Started 13 October 2018 by COMPU-PAGE

Ask a Question When I import the content into joomla, the footer links are not imported

When ever I import the theme and content into joomla, the footer links are not imported? Am I missing something>
25 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By Support Team

05 November 2019

Started 16 October 2018 by shafiq_amlani

Ask a Question Footer

If you select a pre-set grid with text in it as the footer the text will not show up. This is in joomla by the way. In the preview window it will show up but it will not in a live joomla site. If you...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

07 March 2022

Started 16 October 2018 by ifawcett

Report a bug Blog and Post template not uploaded

Hello, When I create a new site temple, there alway's tree pages created by default: Blog template, Post template and Page 1 Page 1 I alway rename to Home and make it the Homepage. Blog and Post...
9 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

20 March 2023

Started 18 October 2018 by Paulus

Ask a Question Vertical menu

is it possible to create a vertical menu in nicepage?
32 Replies
56 Votes

Latest By anderek

29 December 2022

Started 19 October 2018 by shafiq_amlani

Ask a Question Sektion

54/5000 hi, how can I copy a section to a new page? thanks,
1 Reply
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Latest By Support Team

22 October 2018

Started 21 October 2018 by jschaufe

Ask a Question Blog and Post

Are there any instructions on using the Blog and Post templates Can it be used with Joomla? John
6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

17 May 2021

Started 21 October 2018 by john13

Ask a Question What is licence clients?

How do licenses work for clients and how do they activate if more is needed?
6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

10 December 2020

Started 22 October 2018 by vancho_alvarez2

Ask a Question EMail Contact Form

I have a question regarding the EMail Contact Form: Witch settings must I use when I insert my own E-Mail Adress?? The Contct form dont work! Thanks for help Harald
3 Replies
4 Votes

Latest By Support Team

11 November 2021

Started 22 October 2018 by mail5