Ask a Question Install to wordpress failed

I uploaded the Zip file to upload theme section to wordpress. It failed due to missing css stylesheet. Any idea how to fix this ?
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Latest By Support Team

15 June 2021

Started 19 May 2021 by chantel102

Ask a Question Google maps are blocked

Hello, google maps on my page are blocked. Look at the footer: Thank you
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Latest By Support Team

26 May 2021

Started 25 May 2021 by michal.sebesta

Ask a Question PHP Block Causing Wordpress Critical Errors

Hello all, Because the contact form block in Nicepage only allow Recaptcha 3 I'm on a mission to create my own PHP contact form using Recaptcha 2.0 due to Recaptcha 3's failure to block spammers....
11 Replies
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Latest By Ordinary Dad

02 September 2022

Started 26 May 2021 by shane53

Ask a Question Google map in Nicepage

Dear Nicepage community, Unfortunately, Google no longer supports creating map links without an API key. Therefore, the links in the following format no longer...
15 Replies
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Latest By jesseantoralp74

18 March 2022

Started 26 May 2021 by Support Team

Ask a Question index.html

hi, I am looking into buying nicepage. And in my rough testing, I did notice, that the exported page missed the important "index.html" file. This is kinda crucial, because then I cannot know how to...
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

04 June 2021

Started 04 June 2021 by ajms7531

Report a bug Contact Form

Hi I have forms within the website provided by you and using the php script as advised by you I keep getting a lot of spam enquires through the forms. This is a problem with my clients and I need to...
22 Replies
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Latest By Gene@SmartBiz

09 January 2023

Started 08 June 2021 by dh3259

Ask a Question After Update Layout destroyed again and again

Dear Nigepage Team, i am so angry on you. Each Update you bring destroys my work. Are you not testing what you are doing ? This is so horrible. You have designed a nice product but your buggi buggi...
23 Replies
5 Votes

Latest By reflexibel

24 June 2021

Started 10 June 2021 by dmeyer3

Ask a Question Websites fail to show style

Hi I am trying to build my online portfolio website with NicePage. I downloaded a template and started modifying it, but when I tried to open the HTML file on a browser after some edits, the browser...
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Latest By Support Team

15 June 2021

Started 14 June 2021 by micheleanastasio2000

Ask a Question Using category blog in Joomla with Nicepage

Hi, I created a template on the desktop app and exported into Joomla. I only wanted the header and footer. It works when I create a single article with Nicepage in Joomla. When I choose the start...
12 Replies
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Latest By webeditor

01 February 2023

Started 15 June 2021 by cynthialo

Ask a Question How can i make a custom page template in nicepage?

Hello nicepage team. I saw that you added the option to make a custom page template. When i try to make one , i can only use it on a post and not on a page, Please help me know how to achieve...
13 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

23 June 2021

Started 16 June 2021 by shaulhadar

Report a bug Ankor does not work as expectet

Ankor doe not work on our website If we put in the comleet url wit the block it works from the website menu it does not, all kind of ways tested any hint would be aprechiated
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Latest By Support Team

23 June 2021

Started 22 June 2021 by H-P

Ask a Question Social Share Tab in Page Settings

Hi, I wanted to try to edit the Open Graph data for your website on the Social Share Tab of the Page Settings. but it doesn't show the image field as per the attached screenshot. I read the...
7 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

17 December 2021

Started 24 June 2021 by sukhonomar

Ask a Question 3.18 & Open Graph - but deleted all og I had in meta tags is gone!

Hi guys! Good idea to include the Social Sharing Tab in page settings BUT No image data box available (although it appears in the 3.18 release blog posts) And all the og labels that I had in pages...
9 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

06 July 2021

Started 25 June 2021 by inarax71

Ask a Question website not showing pages as made in the project

I'm not understang what's going wrong concerning the upload of files to the remote server. If you please, check this page: This is not what I created, as you can...
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Latest By Support Team

09 July 2021

Started 09 July 2021 by ferpessoa2012

Ask a Question third cookies

Hi, I get this message: Your browser is currently set to block third-party cookies. Please allow cookies from to sign in. Nothings works to get the problem solft. greetings, Michelle
7 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

06 June 2022

Started 12 July 2021 by Vintagebmarketing