Ask a Question There is no " + " within BOX in Hamburger.

Hi, There is no " + " within BOX in Hamburger. So I can't select elements wihtin Box. I make elements outside Box, and then drag them within Box. But elements can't be grouped. Isn't there +...
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Latest By Support Team

02 May 2022

Started 01 May 2022 by syonline

Ask a Question Form Success Message - Time

When creating a form, is there any way to extend the amount of time that the success or failed message is shown on the screen?
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03 May 2022

Started 02 May 2022 by Artist Relations

Ask a Question FORMULAIR

Peut-on insérer du texte entre les champs ? Si oui comment faire ? Voici une portion du formulaire que je créée où je dois écrire avant les champs Oui Non Merci à l'avance
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Latest By Support Team

05 May 2022

Started 05 May 2022 by ginette.bouchard

Ask a Question Form - submit to URL - post request doesnt contain full origin path

Hello, I am trying to extract the origin URL as a "campaign". But after inspecting the post request after submitting the form, Request Header > Origin is only base URL "". I need...
11 Replies
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30 May 2022

Started 11 May 2022 by tibor.brunclik2

Ask a Question Automatic response to form submission

Is it possible to automatically respond to an email address that is entered on a form submission? Just so that they know I have receive the form. Thanks
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27 July 2023

Started 20 May 2022 by raymond.odaly

Ask a Question submit contact form to URL

I just need a little guidance here. I want to submit a contact form to my URL but when I press submit to a location https// ....I get an error. Do I need a php file in my...
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23 May 2022

Started 21 May 2022 by raymond.odaly

Ask a Question form labels are not translated

form labels are not translated to multiple languages
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Latest By nsarantopoulos68

24 June 2022

Started 24 June 2022 by nsarantopoulos68

Ask a Question Third party forms support, premium plans and more regarding Joomla

Hi! I'm a newbie to Nicepage. I am about to set up a small website - around 9 little subpages or so - in Joomla and on my own webspace. I was looking for templates and stumpled upon Nicepage. I played...
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Latest By MerlinAZ

26 June 2022

Started 26 June 2022 by nicepage.s3m66

Report a bug form elements

also form elements (placeholders) don't has link with languate
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Latest By nerviroberto

30 June 2022

Started 30 June 2022 by nerviroberto

Ask a Question Spam from forms

Hi Oleg, I created a form using Nicepage, and I'm getting quite a lot of spam from bots it appears. Is there a way to avoid this? Thanks, Cedric
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Latest By Support Team

30 June 2022

Started 30 June 2022 by cedric.cleutinx

Report a bug Contact form not populating

Hi, I tried connecting the form via google spreadsheet and email. None actually populate... the spreadsheet is created in the google drive but its blank. Tested some inputs, nothing got recorded....
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11 July 2022

Started 30 June 2022 by pl1192

Ask a Question Form Phone Format

Hallo liebes Nicepageteam, ich habe ein Problem mit den Formularen, im Speziellen bei der Formatierung des Telefon-Feldes. Man hat hier die Möglichkeit verschiedene Formate auszuwählen (123456 oder...
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06 July 2022

Started 05 July 2022 by TypoMedia

Ask a Question contact form side panel

Hello I would like to add a floating button on a page in right bottom and when user clicks on it I want to show a side panel on the right with a form and a submit button. Is there a way to do it in...
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05 July 2022

Started 05 July 2022 by

Ask a Question Forms and recaptche

Hello dear nicepagers... I think I found a technical error that needs to be fixed! I have three well-functioning forms on a website (email via php-script) - everything works perfectly - now I ve...
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25 July 2022

Started 24 July 2022 by ermac

Ask a Question Formulário de copntacto

Olá Inseri no meu site um formulário de contacto com submissão a Planilhas Google e já publiquei o site. No entanto já foram enviados formulários através do site para testar e: - a planilha é criada...
2 Replies
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29 July 2022

Started 29 July 2022 by Alimentarius