Formulário de copntacto

50 Posts
Alimentarius posted this 29 July 2022
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Inseri no meu site um formulário de contacto com submissão a Planilhas Google e já publiquei o site.
No entanto já foram enviados formulários através do site para testar e:
- a planilha é criada no Google Sheets
- os emails enviado através do formulário do site não dão entrada no Google Sheets

Olá Inseri no meu site um formulário de contacto com submissão a Planilhas Google e já publiquei o site. No entanto já foram enviados formulários através do site para testar e: - a planilha é criada no Google Sheets - os emails enviado através do formulário do site não dão entrada no Google Sheets Obrigado
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50 Posts
Alimentarius posted this 29 July 2022

o site é
o formulário está na home page

o site é o formulário está na home page
Support Team
Support Team posted this 29 July 2022

Hello Alimentarius,

Submit to option as Email and Google Sheets are for the sites published with Nicepage hosting only. It won't work for sites exported as HTML and uploaded to third party hosting.
Please select other option for submit and test the form.

Let us know if you have any other questions.

Anna T
Nicepage Support Team

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Hello Alimentarius, **Submit to** option as Email and Google Sheets are for the sites published with Nicepage hosting only. It won't work for sites exported as HTML and uploaded to third party hosting. Please select other option for submit and test the form. Let us know if you have any other questions. ................................................... Sincerely, Anna T Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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