Ask a Question Form

Hello np, is it possible to send an e-mail to the sender when submitting a form? I need a confirmation e-mail. If not - whishlist! Cheers Ralf
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Latest By Support Team

23 March 2023

Started 23 March 2023 by innovis_medienagentur

Ask a Question Mail form

Hello is it possible to make a contact form with a html page? If yes how can I address it resp the mail provider? Best regards Daniel
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24 March 2023

Started 24 March 2023 by oneITS

Ask a Question need tutorials for form submit

Hello i wan to know about the submit form wheere my email body and subject line to be defined kindly send the tutorial video
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31 March 2023

Started 31 March 2023 by purnasekhhu

Ask a Question form integration with REST API

I'm looking into integrating the transvirtual API onto a website, and wondered if nicepage forms can handle standard HTTPS requests to create, fetch and delete data using HTTP Post, Put, and Delete...
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Latest By Support Team

17 April 2023

Started 17 April 2023 by marcus60

Report a bug Form Error

Although we receive less than 300 forms, our 5.000 limit appears to be full and we get the following error: The free form submission quota was exceeded. If you are a site administrator, please...
9 Replies
4 Votes

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30 January 2024

Started 17 April 2023 by ajanszaren

Report a bug Form translations bug

I have a form on my site that is translated into multiple languages. Theoretically everything is ok except for one item, namely "Accept terms and conditions". All items can be done in multiple...
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24 April 2023

Started 21 April 2023 by ch3st3r2000

Ask a Question Form from page

Hello In this site I have the contact page in the footer and appire in all of the pages of the site The problam is to know from wich page the message came from Is there a way...
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03 May 2023

Started 02 May 2023 by priya3

Ask a Question how formats's video to supports the nicepage?

how formats's video to supports the nicepage?
5 Replies
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05 June 2023

Started 25 May 2023 by ppm.leet

Ask a Question Contact Form Submission

Hello, How can I get contact form submissions to be sent to my email address as opposed to seeing it here? Please advise.
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09 June 2023

Started 08 June 2023 by devon.cange

Wishlist form input into MySQL database

all the options we have right now for the forms are kind of useless for a lot of things. It would be awesome if there was an option to have a form connect with a MySQL database to input and validate...
3 Replies
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22 June 2023

Started 22 June 2023 by glennbakker4

Ask a Question contact form not working

Dear Team Nicepage The contact form on the website is not working. Kindly resolve the issue of same with regards Labhesh Support
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03 July 2023

Started 01 July 2023 by labheshinteractive

Ask a Question Automatic response form

Is there a solution that automatically replies to the customer based on the email address entered in the form?
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Latest By szabotomy

07 July 2023

Started 07 July 2023 by szabotomy

Ask a Question Demande d'assistance pour la création d'un formulaire de réservation sur Nicepage

Chers membres de l'assistance Nicepage, J'espère que ce message vous trouve bien. Je suis actuellement propriétaire d'un hôtel et je souhaite apporter des modifications à notre site web. Après mûre...
3 Replies
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19 July 2023

Started 19 July 2023 by Hôtel Colbert

Ask a Question Contact form

Hello I am unable to submit my contact form , Please check the screenshot , My email address is correct and added correctly Cheers
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25 August 2023

Started 25 August 2023 by dalybabay

Ask a Question Form processor

Is it possible to have a form submit to a 3rd party form processor using a POST action?
7 Replies
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05 September 2023

Started 02 September 2023 by Steve_Brame