Ask a Question Submit form with url

I want to send the form to url "to whatsapp"
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Latest By mariam.roushdy88

09 August 2022

Started 08 August 2022 by mariam.roushdy88

Ask a Question Additional button on a form

Hello, Can we add more buttons on a form? If yes, how to do that? Thank you
2 Replies
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Latest By z.s.arifin2

15 August 2022

Started 15 August 2022 by z.s.arifin2

Ask a Question Forms not working in GoDaddy hosting

Hi, Due to limitations in hosting from Nicepage, I have been forced to host it in GoDaddy, which I completed today. Now the forms in the website are not working. Earlier I was using the email...
2 Replies
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Latest By vaivhav

26 August 2022

Started 26 August 2022 by vaivhav

Ask a Question How to send/post form data via REST API?

Hi everyone, I'm configuring the form & wanted to send the form data to another service via REST API Post method, anyone know how to setup the form to send the form data to an API? Thank you in...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

21 September 2022

Started 16 September 2022 by shantanusrivas4

Ask a Question Question about changing the sending address in the form

Since the last update 4.18.5 I have the possibility to send my contact form by e-mail. Now a website address from will appear automatically. I don't want that! How can I remove this ?
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Latest By Support Team

09 November 2023

Started 20 September 2022 by Rein_wald

Wishlist list field of a form

permit to define the list height of a component LIST inside a form. Actually it allows 5 & half item Should be possibile to define the height of that component to show all items
2 Replies
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Latest By nerviroberto

26 September 2022

Started 22 September 2022 by nerviroberto

Ask a Question Form editing problem

Hello, Is there a way for people to edit the form when they are visiting the page? I can type character in the editor, but when I preview and run it in my web server I'm not able to input...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

04 October 2022

Started 04 October 2022 by chadmumphrey

Ask a Question Formspree Alternative - Much Cheaper (Hosting With Netlify)

I am hosting html sites (very cheaply/free) with Netlify. Problem is Netlify does not process PHP - so normal contact forms don't work. Nicepage allows forms to be submitted to an email address...
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Latest By john2580

20 October 2022

Started 20 October 2022 by john2580

Ask a Question When I receive a form

Hi, I created a form but when I get it the date is backwards. Who writes the form, writes the TT.MM.JJJJ. - I receive it with JJJJ.MM.TT. How can I change this? Which folder should I look in and how...
2 Replies
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Latest By e.brianzoli

25 October 2022

Started 25 October 2022 by e.brianzoli

Wishlist Register form

Is it possible to enter the registration form ?
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Latest By Support Team

01 November 2022

Started 01 November 2022 by powermusican

Ask a Question Other Mail-Address for forms

I would like to use a different email address for my forms or enter the email address to be used as my email address in my Nicepage account. Neither is possible for me. Please support.
7 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

13 May 2024

Started 04 November 2022 by befe2

Ask a Question how to use contact form leads

can you explain me how to use contact form leads? thank you sarantopoulos nikos
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Latest By Support Team

07 November 2022

Started 05 November 2022 by nsarantopoulos68

Ask a Question Registration form

Hello, can create a contact form but it is impossible for me to create a regstration form. Can you teach me about the way to create registration form using nicepage. Thanks
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Latest By Support Team

08 November 2022

Started 06 November 2022 by vislagger

Ask a Question Forms in general

Hi, I would like to have the possibility to create a "Form" that is not a "Contact", this is something that we are missing in NP - we really need such for some registration. Do you have any plans to...
6 Replies
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Latest By mortenfortza2

15 November 2022

Started 09 November 2022 by mortenfortza2

Ask a Question Chance to use AJAX in Forms?

Hello Nicepage team, is there a way to create a form that will display other options to fill-in, only if the previously configured value is selected? eg.: Question Where do you live? options to...
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Latest By Support Team

07 December 2022

Started 06 December 2022 by michal84