Ask a Question How to delete multiple pages in Nicepage Desktop Edition

Hi there, how can I delete multiple pages in Nicepage Desktop Edition? Since Nicepage Desktop Edition becomes very slow when having created many sites deleting pages within a site and wating for...
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Latest By Support Team

28 January 2020

Started 15 January 2020 by tempelh2

Ask a Question how to export a single page?

Hi Support Team, 1 - Joomla 2 - Nicepage installed 3 - One article page built with nicepage OK, now I need to export the exact page from this website to another website with differte URL. Please,...
4 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

21 January 2020

Started 16 January 2020 by mediaware.tv2

Ask a Question Hyperlinks to external page

I have a page which has not been developed in nicepage - it takes data from a database. I want to link to it from within a nicepage page. It finds the page OK but won't execute the code within that...
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Latest By Support Team

20 January 2020

Started 20 January 2020 by kate49

Wishlist my vote for a decent search results page

Searching and search results are completely unusable for my new site, just a jumbled mess. I'd like to vote for a nicepage template and smart widgets to enable usable and attractive search results...
2 Replies
6 Votes

Latest By xvemanuelvx

19 March 2023

Started 25 January 2020 by Keith Winton

Ask a Question Masonry View for woo-commerce page.

How to add a masonry style in the shop page. We have searched a feature provided by nicepage. We can't able to find the proper solution for masonry style.
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

29 January 2020

Started 27 January 2020 by shahul

Ask a Question How to post blogs to social Media

I want to know how i can add that people can post the blog or page to Social media. By putting the social media icons in the bottom of the page
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Latest By Support Team

05 February 2020

Started 31 January 2020 by mikehorsten

Ask a Question How to display pop-up and dim the rest of screen, when visitor is going to close the page?

Hello team, can you please guide me, how it is possible to perform such effect as in the subject. I assume, that such effect is run only when mouseover above some object on the page occurs. Then the...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

05 February 2020

Started 31 January 2020 by michal84

Ask a Question Joomla! Can not make one single page...

I did install a Nicepage plugin and I did install the Desktop version of Nicepage. Though I did manage to make a simple "splash" or "under construction" page, but there is no way that I make the page...
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Latest By Support Team

04 February 2020

Started 03 February 2020 by dbaruca

Ask a Question Widget area just before footer in a Page

How can I add a widget area just before footer in a Page (not in Blog/Post template)?
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Latest By Support Team

04 February 2020

Started 04 February 2020 by tiina

Ask a Question Hyperlink (Same site page) inside Grid not working in Chrome (Export HTML)

I have a grid of 4x1, each cell contains an image. Each image has a hyperlink associated to a page on same site. None of the hyperlinks work in Chrome, they do work in EDGE. Exporting as std HTML.
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

06 February 2020

Started 04 February 2020 by steve365

Ask a Question Invisible svg links automatically added to my page

Hello, Somehow there has popped up a white block on one of my pages in Nicepage that I can't remove. I've been editing the page in Wordpress and in some way the block was automatically added. When I...
19 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

21 February 2020

Started 08 February 2020 by L A

Wishlist Save page as *.php

Hi, I'm using PHP snippets on my page and export as HMTL. When will Nicepage be able to save pages as PHP as well? It's very laborious to rename the page to *.php and replace the php include syntaxes...
16 Replies
13 Votes

Latest By Support Team

14 December 2023

Started 08 February 2020 by mail323

Ask a Question error saving page after update to 2.6.2

After upgrading tot Newpage 2.6.2 I get an error while saving my changes on a page: # I started a new setup, but I found out the error didn't exist anymore. Probably a cache issue? The massage can...
13 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

04 November 2020

Started 09 February 2020 by Wouter

Report a bug Some page links not working after WP import - numbers instead of URL

Some links created in Nicepage desktop are not "working" right after WP import - 9 digit numbers instead of page url (i.e. - although links were correctly mentioned in...
1 Reply
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Latest By m.calay

11 February 2020

Started 10 February 2020 by m.calay

Ask a Question How to add custom hyperlink i.e. an other page block anchor ?

I would like to link to another page and refer to a block anchor, like "/anotherpagename#anchor" it seems to be erased by nicepage and replaced by "#", so how can i do ? Thank you
2 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By m.calay

11 February 2020

Started 10 February 2020 by m.calay