Ask a Question compatibilty nice page and articles anywhere

Hello, I'm doing some test with Articles Anywhere extension ( and Nice Page. Idea is to manage page layout and structure with Nice Page but...
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Latest By Support Team

11 May 2022

Started 01 November 2019 by TooNetCreation

Ask a Question Nicepage is getting so heavy to load for editing pages

Hello, Nicepage Team. I have a low resources web hosting plan and I have a 2 Mb internet connection, but Nicepage didn´t work bad at all at the begining... since a few versions updates, it takes a...
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Latest By Support Team

07 November 2019

Started 04 November 2019 by LGALLP

Report a bug v1.22.1 - new page property not visible in PAGE sidemenu

On October 31, 2019, you announced: New Page Property We also have added the new Page feature allowing you to specify the page width for the Nicepage template. But it looks, this option is not...
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Latest By Support Team

06 November 2019

Started 05 November 2019 by klemen

Ask a Question Can't save page

I can't save page edited in Nicepege - thread is already open here: PS. this is kinda urgent, I need to create a...
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

13 November 2019

Started 08 November 2019 by whdmike

Ask a Question Add page created with Nicepage to an existing Page created in wordpress

I have created a new page "members" with nicepage. Now I would integrate this page as part of my existing homepage built with wordpress. Any chance to do this?
9 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

18 February 2022

Started 14 November 2019 by adevigus

Wishlist Page Element Navigation

When you have a complex arrangement, for example, a Grid with a group in each cell and an icon and some text in each group it becomes difficult to select the correct item. It would be great to have a...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

18 November 2019

Started 14 November 2019 by

Report a bug Building a page from facebook does not work

Hi, Im trying to use the " Create a page from Facebook" option. I click on automatically Build from images. I click on " Create a page from Facebook " I get the "login to facebook" button....
5 Replies
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Latest By olivier N

09 May 2020

Started 15 November 2019 by r.rodriguez4

Ask a Question How to hyperlinks page to another?

I couldn't know, how to link a page to another, despite arranging them correctly in the menu bar. when i am going to menu bar, and click the needed page, but can't, any advise please ? And wants to...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

25 November 2019

Started 17 November 2019 by majd.w.elias12

Ask a Question missing title home page in Wordpress

Hi, is there anyone solved the missing title in home page with Wordpress With NicePage is possible to add Title and description in every page, include Home Page. Infact, every page of the website is...
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Latest By BitFul

22 November 2019

Started 22 November 2019 by BitFul

Report a bug Header Editing In Nice page - Not altering the Theme Header

I started building my website my website in the desktop version of Nicepage then imported pages and theme into a wordpress installation. Unfortunately, since I have made edits to the Theme header...
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Latest By Support Team

25 November 2019

Started 22 November 2019 by paul682

Ask a Question How do I make the menu connect to the different pages

At the top of my home page as the menu I have page 1 page 2 page 3 page 4 I have no idea how to change the names of these and connect the other articles to this menu
4 Replies
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Latest By martin374

25 November 2019

Started 25 November 2019 by martin374


Boa noite! URGENTE!!!!! Não estou conseguindo utilizar o Nice Page, quando abro o programa, aparece um banner da Black Friday para eu fazer uma escolha (aliás não tenho uma opção de fechar a oferta),...
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Latest By Support Team

28 November 2019

Started 28 November 2019 by JMTarrio

Report a bug Top Level Hamburger Menu Items Do Not Open Pages

Top level menu items in desktop work as they should. They do not work in any mobile views (hamburger menus). My top level items are not separators and should not behave as such on mobile devices....
35 Replies
9 Votes

Latest By Support Team

25 January 2022

Started 29 November 2019 by ATS

Ask a Question Copy a page for another site

Hello, I created a page named privacy Policy and i would like to copy for another site. There is a possiblility to apply this situation or the only way is to create the same page Br, Otello
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Latest By Support Team

23 April 2020

Started 04 December 2019 by ozanoia

Report a bug Uploaded pages look different - even within the same page

I've got a hugh problem with my generated site: Some parts of the page formatting are destroyed when viewed online. I've generated HTML to local harddrive and then uploaded the files to the host....
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

16 December 2021

Started 05 December 2019 by Mark554