Ask a Question Page name should not be URL!

Seitenname soll nicht URL werden ! Um eine vorhandene Webseite jetzt auf Nicepage umzustellen ist es erforderlich die alten Seitennamen und URL´s zu behalten. Aus Leistungsübersicht muss...
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Latest By Support Team

06 December 2019

Started 05 December 2019 by ComDAG

Ask a Question Google Settings - Head Code

Good Day, I'm new to the whole Google analytics thing. Upon setting up the analytics and tag account, Google instructs me to paste code in the head of every page of my site. Is it enough for me to...
14 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

31 March 2021

Started 06 December 2019 by trenton_hunt2

Ask a Question problem with display down page

hello, I created a page. In this case with a down page. When I use the option to show the page with Firefox or Chrome, I show the page without problem. At this point, iI create an exportation .zip...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

09 December 2019

Started 06 December 2019 by ozanoia

Ask a Question problem with display down page

hello, I created a page. In this case with a down page. When I use the option to show the page with Firefox or Chrome, I show the page without problem. At this point, iI create an exportation .zip...
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Latest By Support Team

06 December 2019

Started 06 December 2019 by ozanoia

Ask a Question Internal Link to section on another page on my site According to other questions which were brought up, this should be an url-example in my joomla-np-projekt. 1. Question: Is the real name of wanted page the name...
6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

17 December 2019

Started 12 December 2019 by dm.zielke2

Ask a Question Full Width & Full Height Page

Hello, I need to build a landing page without scrollbars, like an splah page Is it possible to build a full width / full height page to do this? Thanks!
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

02 December 2020

Started 20 December 2019 by rlaria

Ask a Question How do I insert html into a nicepage page?

I've just started using nicepage and have quickly created a one page web site from a template (I needed something quickly and will now take the time to create a more sophisticated web site. The...
6 Replies
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Latest By franko1497

26 December 2019

Started 20 December 2019 by franko1497

Wishlist Dashboard Feature Request: List View of Pages & Search Pages

I am considering the possibility of developing a large site within Nicepage, and I was wondering if it would be possible to add a list view and a search feature on the pages dashboard. * The list view...
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

25 December 2019

Started 24 December 2019 by Metta

Report a bug Copy inside SEO and Head Page Settings leads to an error

Hi, I am working with Joomla 3.9.14 and Nicepage 2.3.1. When ever I try to copy code or text inside SEO and Head Page Settings , I got the message "An error occured. Reload Nicepage" After...
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

08 January 2020

Started 27 December 2019 by lutz.nagel

Ask a Question How can I apply the theme from nice page to my own website?

How can I apply the theme from nice page to my own website?
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Latest By Support Team

21 January 2020

Started 30 December 2019 by artsdlight

Ask a Question Cannot update wordpress website page using plugin

Cannot update the WordPress website page using the plugin. So I have the website live... and looks great. I wanted to add a shortcode on the CONTACT page. I was able to add the Shortcode and save...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

31 December 2019

Started 30 December 2019 by vin439

Ask a Question Sidebar and main content not flowing on page correctly

I have a page where I created a group containing two block elements. The left element is intended to be a sidebar so I gave it the position name - 'position-blogsidebar'. The right element is the blog...
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

09 January 2020

Started 01 January 2020 by pchs19822

Ask a Question Can't export theme and page to joomla

Can't export theme and page to joomla
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

06 January 2020

Started 06 January 2020 by 2810

Report a bug Create website from Facebook page

Hello Nicepage Team, I'm having some troubles when I try to create a website from a FB page. Here is the error message (in French). Can you help me ? My FB ID for the Nicepage app is...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

16 April 2020

Started 06 January 2020 by vince.willems

Ask a Question Publishing process

1) I do not seem to see a way to separate pages from the rest. Why there are so few options to export ? It does not make sense to export the extension every time the content is exported 2) How can I...
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Latest By Support Team

14 January 2020

Started 13 January 2020 by sadarahu2