Report a bug Cannot export the project file

Please see screenshot (link) below. Thanks for your considerations.
13 Replies
3 Votes

Latest By Support Team

24 March 2021

Started 19 November 2018 by andreas3

Wishlist Export Section as Joomla module / WP widget

Hi Themler team. This will be awesome feature: possibility to export Nicepage Section as Joomla standalone module (or WP widget). Step by step: 1. Create a Section in Nicepage 2. Select this...
5 Replies
18 Votes

Latest By Vitaliy WD

23 November 2019

Started 11 December 2018 by Vitaliy WD

Ask a Question Export project online

Is there a way to export a project created in your cloud, to be able to upload it to the local application? Thank you and greetings.
5 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

06 February 2019

Started 19 December 2018 by wdege

Ask a Question Can't export project to Wordpress

Hello, Since last NicePage update, i can't export my project to Wordpress. Export was fine with the same project before. Can help, please? Pierre
12 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

12 December 2019

Started 17 January 2019 by pierreberget

Ask a Question Export / import sections

Hello, is it possible to export/import only 1 section or more than one section ? How can I do this ? Thanks
3 Replies
3 Votes

Latest By Support Team

05 February 2019

Started 03 February 2019 by ago

Ask a Question Export from Joomla

Good Day are we now able to export pages from Joomla to use / edit it on PC under Windows? Kind Regards Mario
6 Replies
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06 December 2019

Started 22 February 2019 by

Wishlist export from

we wish export function from joomla Kind Regards Mario
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Latest By Support Team

22 February 2019

Started 22 February 2019 by

Wishlist Export Files Option

The Export facility has two options Folder or zip file. When working on an html site it is necessary to write in the folder name of the site to ensure the files are saved in the correct folder. This...
1 Reply
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Latest By Support Team

22 February 2019

Started 22 February 2019 by

Ask a Question Confusing Folder and Export

Hi, as I wrote before, I´ve lost all my own pictures. If I look in mydocuments/nicepage/project name/ I can see the folder "nicepage_removed". Also I´m also confused, if I export a project and than...
6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

15 April 2019

Started 23 February 2019 by kontakt27

Wishlist Feature request: print & export to pdf

Hi, I would like to request the feature to print a page / website, and the feature to export a website to high-quality full-page pdf
3 Replies
3 Votes

Latest By corelanc0d3r

05 April 2019

Started 30 March 2019 by corelanc0d3r

Ask a Question exportacion de html

Por que cuando exporto la web, cuando la subo a mi servidor, no se ve el logotipo que pongo?
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

08 April 2019

Started 05 April 2019 by Jordi Bonet

Ask a Question Export page from Joomla

Hi support, How can I export a page from my test server to prod server in Joomla CMS ? Thank you for your help.
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2 Votes

Latest By Support Team

29 April 2019

Started 29 April 2019 by sylvie.flegel2

Ask a Question Unable to export project

I am unable to export a project that I've been working on in Windows Desktop version. Attached is a screenshot of the error message. I am working on Windows 7 with Nicepage 1.7.4 and have uninstalled...
12 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By Support Team

08 February 2021

Started 11 May 2019 by cm6

Report a bug Export joomla template

Export of a template for joomla: always error /internal server error ,
3 Replies
0 Votes

Latest By Support Team

17 July 2019

Started 15 July 2019 by piff.cadro2

Wishlist keeping "export website name" and format per website

Hello, When I export a website, it not possible to keep the export name for each website. when I select an other website and I export modifications, the export name and foldernames from another...
1 Reply
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

29 July 2019

Started 28 July 2019 by ago