Ask a Question Can you please add an option that allows to copy/cut & "paste in the same place" objects?

Hello again. I think this "Paste in the same place" options will be very usufull for example while personalizing the button popup menu and adding things like logo, social icons or so... Or for...
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Latest By Support Team

09 September 2019

Started 08 August 2019 by LGALLP

Wishlist Export page to an image - Just one screen format - why ?

Hello I love the export page to an image. But why limit it to a single screen format ??? I would like to be able to export my pages in mobile and tablet format !!!
3 Replies
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Latest By Auguste

14 August 2019

Started 13 August 2019 by Auguste

Wishlist HTML Export Option

Please consider an option to export HTML, Javascript and CSS as one file.
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Latest By Support Team

26 August 2019

Started 22 August 2019 by Lawson State Library

Wishlist Update to website from desktop software, export project from web

Hi there, First I cannot thank you enough for this great software... it gets better and better every week. You really are doing a great job with this tool. I love it and because of it there's a big...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

20 July 2020

Started 24 August 2019 by lynchtechny

Ask a Question //

Hello. Today I updated desktop to version 1.22.0 and I can't export any project into Wordpress. I tried to export an existing project and new one. Always a mistake (Internal Server Error -...
10 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

11 May 2022

Started 01 November 2019 by MoustyJack

Report a bug erreur lors de l 'exportation

Bonjour, Impossible d'exporter le projet en wordpress.J'ai un message d'erreur C'est inadmissible,cela fait 3 jours que j ai acheté la licence.
2 Replies
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Latest By hotz.cedric

07 November 2019

Started 02 November 2019 by hotz.cedric

Ask a Question editing styles in nicepage theme - Joomla

Hi, I can't figure out how to edit many of the CSS styles within nicepage. There are many styles I currently need help with, including: .u-section-2 .u-metadata-1 { margin: 60px auto 0...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

21 November 2019

Started 20 November 2019 by marcus60

Ask a Question Previous versions of exported WP Themes don´t work well with Nicepage updated version

Hello, Nicepage Team. I´m experimenting with AMPPS, installing Wordpress and importing exported WP Themes and contents from previous version of Nicepage and there are some error, like: no color...
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Latest By Support Team

10 December 2019

Started 05 December 2019 by LGALLP

Ask a Question Export fail to WordPress

Hey Nicepage Support I have been working on my boss's website in Nicepage and it is almost done. Then i tried to export the webside to WordPress with the theme and content to my IP-address, to test...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

12 December 2019

Started 10 December 2019 by info19792

Report a bug Project cannot be exported

I have tried to export the Project in HTML format (ZIP File, Nicepage Project included), as I have done many times before. After 98% of the export process the error message "An error occured. Reload...
4 Replies
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Latest By dedlll

17 December 2019

Started 16 December 2019 by dedlll

Ask a Question I cannot export my page as an image

Hi! The exporting to image option is not going well, could you look at it or tell me what am I doing wrong? Export > select image > export I think there is no mistery lol I attach the...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

09 May 2021

Started 29 December 2019 by yo649

Ask a Question export

bonjour, j'ai fini mon site sur votre logiciel et je voudrais l'exporter en htlm avec mon ftp, mais cela met du temps à l'exportation pourquoi ? Est-ce que c'est par ce que je n'ai pas encore réglé...
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

06 January 2020

Started 05 January 2020 by second-life4

Ask a Question Problems with export

I am attempting to output a website built in Windows desktop version of Nicepage as a Wordpress zip file. However, I am receiving an error (please see attached screen shot). 'Failed to send...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

21 January 2020

Started 17 January 2020 by paul682

Ask a Question Joomla Theme exported but positions created missing

I have tried creating different one page sites and export them into Joomla theme zip files. I put in different position elements but it seems that the positions are never exported, only two default...
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Latest By Support Team

25 February 2020

Started 24 February 2020 by macrobee

Ask a Question Export gets stuck

Hi, Since the latest update of NP (2.11.1) I cannot export one of my sites anymore. Not only at showing a Chrome preview, but also on real export to my server. On preview the export gets stuck at...
10 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

13 April 2020

Started 04 April 2020 by DixQue