Ask a Question positions in footer are placed not correctly after import in joomla

I created two positions in the footer. The I imported the template in joomla 3.9. In nicepage the positions are correctly aligned inside the footer (see image footer_nicepage.jpeg). In Joomla 3.9 the...
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Latest By Support Team

05 December 2018

Started 07 November 2018 by iop_home

Ask a Question Trying to create dropshadow for text

I create a line of text, then create another line and move it over the first line offset by a couple of pix. Looks great in nicepage but when viewed in firefox the lines have moved apart. What am I...
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Latest By Support Team

08 November 2018

Started 07 November 2018 by bill8

Ask a Question Menù formatting

I find the graphic formatting of the menus to be functional but it is not like the sections, there is no menu library (?) I wanted to know if it is possible or it will be possible to have ready-made...
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Latest By Support Team

30 November 2018

Started 07 November 2018 by info2714

Ask a Question Which Grids & Section Styles in each of the Editions

Is there any way of knowing which grids and section styles are in each of the editions?
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04 March 2019

Started 07 November 2018 by mick6

Ask a Question Widget and text in wordpress

Hi all, I have question about widget and sidebars first. Whitin the theme i add a position from the menu (Click Add-> Position and Shortcode -> Position and Sidebar). I name the sidebar. Export...
9 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

11 December 2019

Started 08 November 2018 by rehman2

Ask a Question nicepage to themler

Hi, can the project created with "Nicepage" be uploaded to Themler? Is the opposite? Thank you. Walter
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Latest By Support Team

08 November 2018

Started 08 November 2018 by wdege

Ask a Question SEO?

Hi, since SEO is increasingly important, does Nicepage have an additional HTML header section? Have a nice day Walt
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22 August 2019

Started 08 November 2018 by wdege

Ask a Question gutenberg?

Hi, is or will nicepage work with/ be compatible with Guttenberg? Also, will it work with all major plugins? Thanks, Sabina
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09 November 2018

Started 08 November 2018 by office21

Ask a Question progressive web app

Quick question - are there features or future plans for Progressive Web Apps with NicePace? Thank you.
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Latest By Support Team

13 November 2018

Started 08 November 2018 by oseirichard12

Ask a Question one time payment or yearly?

Hi, I am thinking of buying another license (bought from you guys in 2013 & 2015). Now it says Lifetime in your pricing schedule, but I would like to confirm that - no matter which license I buy...
10 Replies
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Latest By MerlinAZ

25 October 2020

Started 08 November 2018 by office21

Ask a Question Crazy things happening in my Dashboard.

Every time that I start NicePage, I now get a non-website created. I had moved my Nicepage folder to a shared network drive where I could access projects from either my Mac or my PC. Anyhow, I now get...
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Latest By ljordan2

10 November 2018

Started 09 November 2018 by ljordan2

Wishlist responsive mobile view

adapt size of pictures also in header see attached desk view = right size of header picture mobile view = picture to big Regards Mario
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Latest By Support Team

26 November 2018

Started 09 November 2018 by

Ask a Question TAG ALT not always be inserted

Hi, I read the instructions in the post #2469, but in some images (cover or contains is equal) you can not add the ALT TAG. Thank you. Walt
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Latest By Support Team

21 March 2019

Started 09 November 2018 by wdege

Ask a Question Far too little freedom in setting all CSS3 properties

Dear support, I am a business user and I design website for small and medium-sized enterprises and bump ever against too much limitations for setting up CSS3 properties of HTML controls (components...
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23 April 2019

Started 09 November 2018 by stephane.fonteyne

Wishlist insert table

insert table in section (similar text) Regards Mario
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13 November 2018

Started 10 November 2018 by