Ask a Question Backup / Export of site built with Nicepage WP plugin on own server...

I see lots of new support in version 6.x for going between desktop and online projects with export and import features. Wondering if any of this applies to a nicepage project that has been built or...
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Latest By Support Team

20 December 2023

Started 20 December 2023 by jeff182

Ask a Question Online export

Is it possible to export a project that has been edited online and edit it again in the desktop version? lg.
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Latest By Support Team

21 December 2023

Started 21 December 2023 by tdi-tuning

Ask a Question custom mailto-links

Hi. I'm using a custom mailto-link for my page and up until recently it has worked flawlessly. Now I've noticed a frustrating error that adds the base url in front of the "mailto:" link I've made. I...
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Latest By Tarjei85

22 December 2023

Started 21 December 2023 by Tarjei85

Ask a Question Post Header Different From The Rest of the Pages Header

Hi, When a post is created in WordPress, the header is different from the rest of the pages (Navigation Tab Pages). How can I make my current Nicapage Header default for new created post? Johnny
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Latest By Support Team

08 January 2024

Started 23 December 2023 by johnny.c.gonzalez.v


Hello, Ashley, I also am getting a 5-page limit exceeded error message. How can I get my website back to edit? Thank you. Michael
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Latest By Support Team

28 December 2023

Started 28 December 2023 by iicrlimited

Ask a Question Update 6.2.1 does not start on Mac Book Pro M1 14.0

Update 6.2.1 does not start on Mac Book Pro M1 14.0 - can you provide a stable version?!? I have a deadline for a Project..!!! Thanks a lot! Ben
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Latest By codiarts

29 December 2023

Started 28 December 2023 by codiarts

Report a bug Update 6.2.1 does not start on Mac Book Pro M1 14.0

Update 6.2.1 does not start on Mac Book Pro M1 14.0 can you provide a stable version for download (fast). I have deadlines...! Thanks a lot! Ben
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Latest By Support Team

28 December 2023

Started 28 December 2023 by codiarts

Ask a Question wordpress

I'm currently using free version of Nicepage for my Wordpress site. I have a view question about this free plan. - do I still own my page after the 7 premium day trial? - can I still edit my page on...
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Latest By Support Team

30 December 2023

Started 30 December 2023 by shaquirajohsp

Ask a Question Joomla

Sto creando un nuovo sito, il mio contratto scade il 10 gennaio 2025, ma non riescop a modificare i caratteri se non pochi concessi. Sto cercando di installere JOOMLA ( ne ho diritto?) ma trovo solo...
9 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

08 January 2024

Started 30 December 2023 by info67872

Ask a Question Premium is lifetime ?

Hello, I need to verify if the premium plans is life time or monthly or annually periods limited. BR
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Latest By Support Team

01 January 2024

Started 31 December 2023 by kanaan.plc

Ask a Question I can't edit my website - its gone from the application

I created a website. I actually have all the files and I have it up on AWS S3 but now when I open the Nicepage Mac Application it does not show the website as it was finished. Can I get the existing...
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

08 January 2024

Started 03 January 2024 by justin.buswell

Ask a Question HTML Website with Blog

Hello support team, I wanted to create an HTML website with a blog. Unfortunately, I cannot set up categories for the blog page with the HTML version. Is there a solution to this in the...
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Latest By m.berger32

04 January 2024

Started 03 January 2024 by m.berger32

Ask a Question There seems to be an issue with the website

Hi, After adding just one slide to the homepage slider, my site layout became skewed. The website address is All the content displayed on the site's backend differs significantly...
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Latest By Support Team

04 January 2024

Started 03 January 2024 by onyineo72

Report a bug I cannot select modal popup on buttons!

I cannot select modal popup on buttons! For some reason the option "modal popup" does not appear on new buttons. I tried to duplicate an older one, but that didn't work. I need a solution asap!
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19 January 2024

Started 04 January 2024 by mobilu

Ask a Question ?

I dont understand prices? Is it one time paymant license?
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05 January 2024

Started 05 January 2024 by margigura