Wishlist digital product downloads

I have an existing e-commerce website that allows users to downloads the product for trial. How can I do that using Product elements? How can use NicePage to create a e-commerce website that offers
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Latest By Support Team

08 December 2023

Started 07 December 2023 by jsnahil

Ask a Question Need to hide some buttons for all devices

Hi, I need to hide some buttons and divs for all devices but seems is not possible, can you fix this problem or tell me how can I do it? Thanks Nancy
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Latest By Support Team

11 December 2023

Started 08 December 2023 by A12 Web Studio

Ask a Question Update Desktop App to NP 6.x

Previously, the desktop app asked whether you wanted to update to the new nicepage version. This is not the case with NP 6. Is there a special reason for this and can I just install version 6.x over...
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Latest By Support Team

08 December 2023

Started 08 December 2023 by Pitter

Ask a Question Is this the end of NICEPAGE?

Is Nicepage discontinued with version 6.0? There are no updates anymore, and the desktop version has information about the latest version 5.21 (screenshot attached). I don't know whether to continue...
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Latest By xvemanuelvx

08 December 2023

Started 08 December 2023 by GRAFKOM

Ask a Question Microsoft Edge shows message: Malware geblokkeerd URL van website

Hello, I really like to resolve the following problem: Microsoft Edge shows message from MalewareBytes: Malware geblokkeerd URL van website Almost all my pictures are not showing. If i export my...
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Latest By Support Team

10 December 2023

Started 10 December 2023 by Legend Gaming

Ask a Question help exporting html

I just set up acct and it says free export of static html. but I cannot export. It says I need premium. Please allow me to export! I spent a lot of time and I cannot get my files.
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Latest By Support Team

12 December 2023

Started 12 December 2023 by joanne72

Ask a Question Theme generator

Hello, Can I generate a custom Wordpress theme from HTML code of an existing web site ? Thanks
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Latest By Jet de Jager

12 December 2023

Started 12 December 2023 by agm23818

Ask a Question Delete

After the last update i can not delete websites anymore. Popup saying " Enter Delete (löschen) but nothing happens. The new layout was strange to me because all my sites disappeared so i went to the...
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Latest By innovis_medienagentur

13 December 2023

Started 13 December 2023 by innovis_medienagentur

Ask a Question latest update

I am being asked to update to version 6.1.3 but I don’t see anything official which mentions this version. Is this something I should download? Why am I getting these popups?
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Latest By MerlinAZ

14 December 2023

Started 13 December 2023 by evolvlove

Ask a Question After last update Nicepage does not renognize my project folder

Hello After the last update to V6.1.3 Nicepage stopped recognizing all my work In the preferences, i have my work folder correctly set but Please help me, I have a lot of clients projects
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Latest By jdominguezlemoine

15 December 2023

Started 15 December 2023 by jdominguezlemoine

Ask a Question Password protection not work

I have this problem: I make a password protect page, and in preview is the page completely blank. No page is view and no password page is view. If I try to change the password, and after saving and...
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Latest By Support Team

18 December 2023

Started 15 December 2023 by eugenio19

Ask a Question Video Size

Hello, I would like to know if new version supports videos larger than 10 MB,. Thanls
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17 December 2023

Started 16 December 2023 by ang.spinelli

Ask a Question question about your different Premium Plans related

Hi, How are you, 1- Application License, Free updates , I noticed its hints about " is for applications and Wordpress plugin and Joomila extensions", but I will use pure HTML coding of yours only....
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

18 December 2023

Started 18 December 2023 by davyhanxc

Ask a Question Replying few questions

Dear Nicepage support team, I would like to thank you for your efforts. Kindly be informed that I downloaded your application and used it for testing its features and found it has many fantastic...
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Latest By Support Team

18 December 2023

Started 18 December 2023 by husam.hamdy

Ask a Question site multilingue

Sur mon site multilingue, j'aimerais attribuer une image distincte à chaque page de la version française et anglaise. Est-ce réalisable ?
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Latest By Support Team

19 December 2023

Started 19 December 2023 by c.gineste