Ask a Question Google font error

Hi, When I save the page on Joomla via nicepage plugin it says error, Google font won't be downloaded to this site. Why is that plz? Regards Omer
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Latest By Support Team

20 June 2023

Started 23 May 2020 by OH0

Ask a Question How can i change header background/header text color?

I am using transparent header in Nicepage with image background. The header text and menu is white and this looks good. When i create Woocommerce pages, the background is white and also my header...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

27 May 2020

Started 23 May 2020 by charlie61

Wishlist True White Label for Resellers

I was wondering if there had been any advancement to your Nicepage White Label Offering, WRT Wordpress. We have the ultimate version which includes the White Label Option, but i am curious how this...
7 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

04 February 2022

Started 27 May 2020 by Web-Aztec

Wishlist We need your opinion on what elements you are looking for!

Dear Nicepage Community, Recently we have added the Search to the Add Block and Add Element Panels. We have noticed that you like this functionality, it has become popular, and you have started to...
7 Replies
3 Votes

Latest By shalmaxb

26 June 2020

Started 27 May 2020 by Support Team

Wishlist Need To Add ASAP!

I love nice page and it is a great little program, but it needs some serious features that most page/theme editors have already...... (1) Have the ability to change your web site names in your foldes...
2 Replies
4 Votes

Latest By ToKo

03 June 2020

Started 02 June 2020 by xxxTRISTAMxxx

Ask a Question How well optimised is Nicepage for mobiles

We are Themler users and have been for a long time. We've been seeing very poor performance scores for Themler built sites on Google Page Insight scores and after questioning how we can fix this in...
3 Replies
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Latest By Wartburg-Entertainment

02 July 2020

Started 01 July 2020 by leora

Ask a Question Question before I make a decision

If I create a web site with Nicepage. What are the instructions to export for review by the customer? Can I insert the newly create web site into the Mail Chimp web site application? Thank...
1 Reply
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Latest By Support Team

08 July 2020

Started 07 July 2020 by pterio71

Ask a Question Missing json error

Is there any way I can recover my site from the exported folder? I was in the middle of exporting my final updates to my site when my PC suddenly decided to shut itself down without warning. When I...
10 Replies
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Latest By Lynn

31 July 2020

Started 16 July 2020 by Lynn

Ask a Question The size of the exported zip file is too big

"The size of the exported zip file is too big" I keep getting the above message every time I try to export my site to WP. Exports via FTP are fine. First, the message said 23mb was too big, so I...
8 Replies
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Latest By karindfigueroa_99

24 September 2020

Started 19 July 2020 by rcmcatering2

Ask a Question What's wrong with the template web servers?

What's wrong with the template web servers? I kept getting this error message when I clicked on any template. See attached screen shot. "error loading image....try again"
14 Replies
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Latest By claymg

02 July 2021

Started 22 July 2020 by claymg

Wishlist Nicepage 2.21: July 24, 2020 - New Slider Element

Dear Nicepage Users and Followers! We are happy to release the new Nicepage 2.21 update. What's New In This Update? New Slider Element (Beta) Video Upload in WordPress and Joomla Lazy Loading for...
4 Replies
4 Votes

Latest By pic16f876

27 July 2020

Started 24 July 2020 by Support Team

Ask a Question Block misaligned

Good day all! I'm working with your app on a 16" Macbook Pro with Catalina 10.15.6 and I'm having some alignment problems. It starts when I'm working on the mobile versions. I've attached some...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

12 August 2020

Started 10 August 2020 by JLP

Ask a Question Is it possible to make a text link without auto converting to button instead?

Hello team, can you please give me a hint, what went wrong, when I make a link from part of the text, it converts to button. Is it possible somehow, to use standard text link instead? It converts even...
29 Replies
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Latest By wayback1

02 February 2023

Started 13 August 2020 by michal84

Ask a Question joomla extension : i cannot build the menu in the header section

I bought the ultimate license of Nicepage. In joomla extension Nicepage, i have created 3 pages, and with "header" i add a menu with the logo There is the menu well designed in the preparation, but...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

17 August 2020

Started 17 August 2020 by nicepage872

Ask a Question text to hyperlink is making a button automatically

Why is it that if we have text and we make that text a hyperlink, nicepage then is making it a button automatically? We don't want it to do that, we want it to just leave the hyperlink as text. Using...
38 Replies
9 Votes

Latest By wayback1

02 February 2023

Started 18 August 2020 by ifawcett