Report a bug Export to WordPress change button links

I set template page as a link for my custom button. But after export and import into WordPress link is broken - fifferent. In desktop version I linked page with name workout - link is set as...
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Latest By pavel.hosek

26 January 2021

Started 22 January 2021 by pavel.hosek

Report a bug can not export to Html

hi you've said in starter version, we can export projects as Static HTML file ! but i can't !! please help me , the app force me to buy license thanks
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Latest By MerlinAZ

23 January 2021

Started 23 January 2021 by faraji.nima76

Ask a Question Can I export HTML, Javascript and CSS as one file.

Is it possible to export HTML, Javascript and CSS as one file? Thanks!
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Latest By Support Team

26 January 2021

Started 26 January 2021 by minniehahahaya

Ask a Question Images exported dont load

Hi! I am new to creating sites and I am having a lot of problems. I already have a domain and a host (hostgator), and have been building my site using nicepage desktop version for mac ox. I have...
7 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

05 February 2021

Started 28 January 2021 by lukmiles

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Latest By lucazanettin

29 January 2021

Started 29 January 2021 by lucazanettin

Ask a Question Export web

Hi! I have the free plan (1 website - 2 pages) and when a try to export the HTML it says I need a premium plan, but regarding your plans I have all what you require for a free one. What am I doing...
4 Replies
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Latest By MerlinAZ

01 February 2021

Started 01 February 2021 by admin5092

Ask a Question HTML Export Free Plan - Desktop App

Your web claims HTML export is available on the Free plan. When I try to do it I'm told I need a Paid plan. I tried on both the web and desktop versions. What's the deal?
2 Replies
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Latest By npx10111

02 February 2021

Started 02 February 2021 by npx10111

Ask a Question We are a non-profit 501(c)3 charity and were trying to create a free website.

I downloaded and installed nicepage in an attempt to create a free webpage for Diamond Wishes Children's Charity. We had a Joomla website created for us in 2016 by students at ITT. The website was not...
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Latest By Support Team

03 February 2021

Started 03 February 2021 by dduvall

Ask a Question How to Export HTML?

I've created a simple webpage using the online builder but when I export the HTML I open the file and it's not actual HTML code? According to the plans the online editor allows you to export HTML for...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

23 June 2021

Started 05 February 2021 by conrad.smith1

Ask a Question nicepage export question

hi, i am making a website on and i would like to make a gallery with nicepage - would it be possible to export a gallery page in a subdomain on using the desktop app* thanks in...
3 Replies
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Latest By frenchguitareveryday

12 February 2021

Started 10 February 2021 by frenchguitareveryday

Ask a Question Nicepage Exporting wrong index.html

Nicepage is outputing wrong index.html file
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Latest By Support Team

19 February 2021

Started 16 February 2021 by mariogoo

Report a bug Bug in export to joomla

The problem is in the menus after export to joomla, all menus are working fine except when I click on home from any page nothing happens. There is no link back to the home page from any of the...
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Latest By Support Team

22 February 2021

Started 21 February 2021 by jozel

Report a bug Bug exporting to Joomla

I was able to successfully export to joomla, the content and extensions however I have two problems that I don't know how to fix, the export did not correctly exported the footer the footer is there...
5 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By Support Team

24 June 2021

Started 21 February 2021 by jozel

Ask a Question Cant export project

I had exported one project in the desktop version, and when I tried to do export my updates, it didn't allow me. I even went on to try the Mac version in hopes of a resolution but it still asks me to...
5 Replies
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Latest By MerlinAZ

28 June 2023

Started 21 February 2021 by maurice.matthew.20

Ask a Question Export/Replicate design to wordpress

May I know, If I purchased the template, can I replicate the design to WordPress?
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Latest By Support Team

01 March 2021

Started 28 February 2021 by guevarra.jean24