Ask a Question Exporteren

Size of the export file is too big, check your joomla and hosting settings. This I get when I want to upload. I really dont understand. How and what to do??
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Latest By Support Team

07 May 2021

Started 05 May 2021 by Lovelifelive

Wishlist Export Joomla and Wordpress-Projekt and Import in NicePage-Desktopversion

Ich würde gerne mein NP-Projekt aus Joomla exportieren, um es in der Desktopversion weiterzubearbeiten. Leider ist das nicht möglich. Könnt ihr nicht eine Exportfunktion in Joomla (und Wordpress)...
5 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By ppuk

28 March 2023

Started 11 May 2021 by UHermann2

Ask a Question Cost on Export

Hi, i am new in using Nicepage desktop application. But I am confusing on the exporting page to html file. In the premium plan, I am read that export to html is free (tick) and when I try to export,...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

12 May 2021

Started 12 May 2021 by faridboss54

Ask a Question Cant export site to html

Hi there. I'm trying to export the site to html and it says this feature is only available with premium subscription (but on the website it says that free subscription has this feature)
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21 May 2021

Started 20 May 2021 by 4gaming2fun

Ask a Question Unable to export as HTML

Hello nicepage, I'm unable to export my work as HTML. It is asking to take premium membership, but you said that exporting as HTML is available for free tier customers
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Latest By Support Team

25 May 2021

Started 25 May 2021 by prabhathkumar1729

Report a bug HTML export

I uploaded the files I exported from HTML and uploaded to my websites files but it looks a lot different and the when I click on another page it gives 404 error.
6 Replies
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28 May 2021

Started 25 May 2021 by inoempire

Ask a Question Export content

Hi, Can I export my content from my website to nice page seeing I cant edit it on my website
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26 May 2021

Started 26 May 2021 by shaun61

Report a bug HTML Export

Hello, I have used the nicepage app to build a website and I gotta say, I am impressed and love it! The site looks beautiful and clean in preview mode on the app and the tools are easy to use. However...
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Latest By Support Team

31 May 2021

Started 28 May 2021 by inoempire

Ask a Question Cannot export website as HTML

Hi, I cannot export my website as HTML. It supposed to by for free, since I have only one website a 3 pages. Can you help me please?
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Latest By Support Team

28 May 2021

Started 28 May 2021 by ymtvlmhkfjuwjxhqaj

Ask a Question Exporting a website in HTML with a Starter plan

Dear Nicepage Support, Although a while ago I was able to export my website in HTML with a Starter plan, now it's impossible. Indeed, when I want to export my website in HTML, an error message pops...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

03 June 2021

Started 02 June 2021 by guillaume.celosia

Ask a Question Possible Joolma issues. How can I export my Joolma Nicepage site so it can be used with the Nicepage Desktop software directly.

I am having issues which tech support and I'm struggling getting issues resolved which may be cause by using the Joomla Nicepage version. How can I export my Joolma Nicepage created website so it can...
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Latest By Support Team

03 June 2021

Started 02 June 2021 by troyinaz

Wishlist Synchronize or export options nicepage plugins - Wordpress/Joomla

Hi, I have a woocommerce site, made with nicepage desktop. I installed woocommerce with the theme that i build in nicepage desktop, it works. When a customer adjust the pages or design thru the...
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Latest By Support Team

14 June 2021

Started 12 June 2021 by Vildana

Ask a Question Blog metadata is updated on every export

Every time the site is exported and uploaded to my web host (HTML) the date stamp on each blog is updated to the current date and the date published is lost. How can this be prevented so the publish...
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Latest By Support Team

15 June 2021

Started 14 June 2021 by davidmdresner

Ask a Question Nicepage dekstop version export-import to Wordpress builder

Hello I'm using Nicepage desk version and I want to import-export my content to Wordpress builder in
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

16 June 2021

Started 15 June 2021 by supernova33355521

Ask a Question doesnt let me export to html

I just wanted to know why it doesnt let me export my website to html if the sites says that html exports are aviable for free. i have it done 2 times
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

22 October 2021

Started 18 June 2021 by polanconacho