Ask a Question How to copy paste or duplicate Pages

Hello, I have Two question.. How can i duplicate pages (copy paste) i have created with nicepage 2.How can i put icons i my submenus or menus Thank you in advance Milot
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Latest By Support Team

23 February 2023

Started 23 February 2023 by Kameleoni

Ask a Question Breadcrumb for pages

Dear all, I can see that the breadcrumb option for Wordpress is functional on articles and blog pages. Therefore I can't get it on my normal pages. Then, I have tried to insert between my header and...
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Latest By Support Team

30 March 2023

Started 30 March 2023 by polperonnet

Ask a Question Missing Navbar in blog post pages & 404 page

I'm working on this website: and the nav is working fine on all pages except for the blogs. Do you know why this page is missing the navbar style of...
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03 April 2023

Started 31 March 2023 by finance55

Ask a Question Using same template on all pages

Struggling to get same theme on all pages (wordpress) On my desktop created a template and imported that on my site. When creating new page this theme is not showing Have also edited the theme on the...
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Latest By Support Team

04 April 2023

Started 04 April 2023 by j.knaap2

Ask a Question Same header / footer for product pages

I'm using the wordpress plugin to design my header and footer. Apart from that I am using a imported theme for product page etc. The thing is that with every little change I make to my header or...
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Latest By Support Team

20 April 2023

Started 19 April 2023 by

Ask a Question Drag and drop original (or html-converted) Word pages

Good morning. I have designed my web pages in MS Word, converted them into HTML pages and successfully uploaded one of them to my website. I haven’t a clue about coding, and don’t have the time to...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

04 May 2023

Started 01 May 2023 by PDEG

Ask a Question Creating different landing pages with different "URL" on the same website

Hello, how can we create different landing pages on the same website?, Since our plan only allows us to publish single websites, we need to create different landing pages with different urls to link...
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

03 May 2023

Started 03 May 2023 by info102082

Ask a Question html export- is their a way to just export changed pages?

When I export html to a local folder using desktop version, it re-exports ALL pages for a site, not just changed pages, and also changes creation of ALL files/pages to date/time of export. Am I...
5 Replies
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Latest By Care Resources

20 December 2023

Started 05 May 2023 by plunkchr

Report a bug Content of the sub-pages are not displaying on the WP website

Hello there, The content of the sub-pages is not displayed on the website. None of the car content pages are displayed. However, in the editor, it is shown. (Please find the attached images) I have...
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Latest By Support Team

15 May 2023

Started 13 May 2023 by balazs0711

Ask a Question Import exported Themes and pages

Hello Nicepage please find the attached loom video and help me with what it is mentioned there Thanks
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22 June 2023

Started 14 May 2023 by CBATEC

Report a bug Pages published in mobile mode do not appear

Pages published in mobile mode do not appear (mobile)
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06 June 2023

Started 29 May 2023 by Alimentarius

Report a bug bug found in composing pages between pc/mobile/laptop

Hello. Hello, when editing HTML pages (text and images) and creating formatting for PC, laptop, mobile, and others, sometimes, upon finishing the formatting, NicePage automatically misaligns the...
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Latest By MerlinAZ

15 June 2023

Started 15 June 2023 by ivobelchior

Wishlist Back to Top button - can it be added to all pages at once?

Hello, I need to add Back to Top button on all my pages. Is there a way to add the button all at once, or do I need to do it one by one? Thanks.
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Latest By Support Team

28 June 2023

Started 28 June 2023 by anya.brudzinska

Ask a Question Cant edit pages anymore

I am trying to set my website on wordpress to allow editors to only make changes to text and images. I want to be the only one to make design changes and more. I changed the client license to edit...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

25 July 2023

Started 14 July 2023 by eddie126

Ask a Question A WordPress plug-in that solves all the problems of Google speed tests!

It's incredible, I've discovered a WordPress plug-in that solves all the problems of Google speed tests! Before I was at : 46% performance on mobile 91% performance on desktop Now with the plugin...
5 Replies
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Latest By Auguste

21 July 2023

Started 15 July 2023 by Auguste