Using same template on all pages

4 Posts
j.knaap2 posted this 04 April 2023
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Struggling to get same theme on all pages (wordpress)
On my desktop created a template and imported that on my site.
When creating new page this theme is not showing Have also edited the theme on the plugin but no result.
Is there a YouTube on this issue?

Struggling to get same theme on all pages (wordpress) On my desktop created a template and imported that on my site. When creating new page this theme is not showing Have also edited the theme on the plugin but no result. Is there a YouTube on this issue?
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 04 April 2023

Hi, John,

WordPress native pages always use the design from the active theme while Nicepage pages in WordPress can use the theme settings from the Nicepage plugin (Nicepage Header and Footer) or the settings of the active theme (Theme Header and Footer, Theme Template).

If you want all your pages to have the same theme settings, you can switch your Nicepage pages to Theme Header and Footer or Theme Template, or make the changes in your Desktop or Online Project with further reinstalling of the theme.

Let us know if you need our further help!
Paul C.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hi, John, WordPress native pages always use the design from the active theme while Nicepage pages in WordPress can use the theme settings from the Nicepage plugin (**Nicepage Header and Footer**) or the settings of the active theme (**Theme Header and Footer, Theme Template**). If you want all your pages to have the same theme settings, you can switch your Nicepage pages to **Theme Header and Footer** or **Theme Template**, or make the changes in your Desktop or Online Project with [further reinstalling of the theme][1]. Let us know if you need our further help! ................................................... Sincerely, Paul C. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook: [1]:
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