bug found in composing pages between pc/mobile/laptop

2 Posts
ivobelchior posted this 15 June 2023
Report a bug

Hello, when editing HTML pages (text and images) and creating formatting for PC, laptop, mobile, and others, sometimes, upon finishing the formatting, NicePage automatically misaligns the formatting of one of them. In other words, after completing all the formatting, it disrupts the PC formatting (sometimes randomly), and when you fix the PC formatting, it misaligns the laptop formatting again.
I'm not 100% sure, but most of the misalignment occurs in graphics, although if it's a group created with text and graphics, it misaligns everything.

Hello. Hello, when editing HTML pages (text and images) and creating formatting for PC, laptop, mobile, and others, sometimes, upon finishing the formatting, NicePage automatically misaligns the formatting of one of them. In other words, after completing all the formatting, it disrupts the PC formatting (sometimes randomly), and when you fix the PC formatting, it misaligns the laptop formatting again. I'm not 100% sure, but most of the misalignment occurs in graphics, although if it's a group created with text and graphics, it misaligns everything.
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2704 Posts
MerlinAZ posted this 15 June 2023

It's not a "bug," it's a "feature."
Unfortunately, there is no way to lock a page so it keeps the formatting.
The best workflow is to work from left/desktop to right/mobile, saving as you go.
If you run into a specific block that is causing issues, press the Reset button in the right panel and redo it.
Let's see what formal support says.

It's not a "bug," it's a "feature." Unfortunately, there is no way to lock a page so it keeps the formatting. The best workflow is to work from left/desktop to right/mobile, saving as you go. If you run into a specific block that is causing issues, press the Reset button in the right panel and redo it. Let's see what formal support says.
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