Ask a Question Image Importing and switching from Wordpress design to HTML design

Currently using the Nicepage image importer we can only import one image at a time. This of course makes the program very slow to use. Will this be corrected in future versions. Also in desktop when...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

11 March 2019

Started 03 March 2019 by Web-Aztec

Ask a Question Position responsive menu

Hi there when i position the responsive menu on desktop view and preview it on desktop chrome the position does not fit. It is positioned to the right borger and when i scale the page the menu moves...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

13 March 2019

Started 05 March 2019 by Expolab

Wishlist Nicepage Update: March 2019 - FireFox Compatibility Release

Hello Everyone! We are happy to announce the newest update of Nicepage! Please make sure to download and install the latest Nicepage version from the Download page at...
16 Replies
12 Votes

Latest By jldesign25

31 March 2019

Started 06 March 2019 by Support Team

Ask a Question Megamenu

Are you going to have a proper mega menu with ability to add module positions to it?
43 Replies
57 Votes

Latest By Support Team

12 April 2022

Started 08 March 2019 by admin

Ask a Question Desktop version Automatic saves changes

I use the pro version desktop mainly for HTML sites. When I modify a site it automatically saves the changes. If I don't like my changes I'm screwed. My only solution seems to be before I exit nice...
12 Replies
6 Votes

Latest By opsa

08 July 2022

Started 09 March 2019 by jpalmer2

Ask a Question Nicepage on line and app don't update contents

Whay I wrong? If I work on a site, this same site is not visible (or avaible) on app. Any ideas? Thanks
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

14 March 2019

Started 12 March 2019 by MultimediaMan

Ask a Question Sliders

I started a webpage and was using three slides on first page. I set it up as a slider and not a slide on a section. However, all was well until a few days ago and noticed my text had disappeared from...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

20 March 2019

Started 17 March 2019 by Jeff Hartley

Ask a Question Change the font

Hi, I created my internetpage with the Nicepage desktop. I set the font and the typographie in the menu of the application. I then imported the internet page in Joomla. I want to change the font...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

28 March 2023

Started 17 March 2019 by iop_home

Report a bug images being renamed by nicepage

after an image is uploaded into the Nicepage editor, the hyphens are being removed, thereby removing the SEO benefits of descriptive image file names. Please fix so images can include hyphens.
4 Replies
8 Votes

Latest By Giumarr

09 August 2019

Started 19 March 2019 by marcus60

Wishlist share sections throughout projects

It would be nice to have the ability to save sections / blocks to use throughout different projects
7 Replies
7 Votes

Latest By Support Team

08 February 2021

Started 23 March 2019 by T-3-Gunner

Ask a Question Please make Nicepage compatible with selecting our preferred browser!

Hello again, and as always, I wish you a good day! This topic could be at least two things in a row: 1. Optimizing for many other (and maybe new) browsers like Vivaldi (which is relatively new but...
3 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

30 August 2019

Started 23 March 2019 by LGALLP

Ask a Question Confusing with my account

Please, can you help me to understand the different behaviors I get on the Nicepage platform? I activated the Nicepage license from home (desktop versions) and I worked on my site on the desktop...
2 Replies
0 Votes

Latest By MultimediaMan

25 March 2019

Started 25 March 2019 by MultimediaMan

Ask a Question moving websites to another host

Before I continue with my purchase I need to know if I can move my site to another hosting provider.
10 Replies
0 Votes

Latest By aplicacioneswebs

20 August 2019

Started 29 March 2019 by joseff.publik

Ask a Question Turning animation off on selected views

Good Day, Is it possible to switch off animations on specific views (like mobile views) without switching the animations off across all views?
10 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By igor.kulundzic

10 April 2024

Started 31 March 2019 by trenton_hunt2

Ask a Question Nicepage Online Use

Hi! I would like to be able to use Nicepage Online to build and manage several client sites.. I don’t want to have to buy individual subscription for each of them and have different login credentials...
1 Reply
2 Votes

Latest By Support Team

05 April 2019

Started 04 April 2019 by audrayp