Ask a Question can't download code

Hi Team! I want to download and edit the code of my nice page project but when I download and run it does not show the same as on nice page. Please tell me how I can download the same exact code how...
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Latest By Support Team

10 July 2022

Started 04 July 2022 by 70068805

Ask a Question Potential Membership

Hi, I am interested to your tool because I need to create a website as soon as possible. I need to know: Do the plans include hosting from you, or do I need to provide the host? What is the price...
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Latest By Support Team

05 July 2022

Started 05 July 2022 by mary1246

Ask a Question Multi-Language Site

Hellooo How can I add the Multi-Language option? or update my Nicepage? I don't have premium version, is that needed to access to the Multi-Language Site option?
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Latest By Support Team

06 July 2022

Started 05 July 2022 by mcarolina

Ask a Question remove made by nicepage

Dear, i had the ultimate license for life long. Why should I need to pay again to untick this option. Because you told me first that I just will loose the free update and all other things will be...
2 Replies
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Latest By Done

10 July 2022

Started 07 July 2022 by rsaaron

Report a bug serius bug on nicepage

Hello, How do I pay for the premium version if these templates are not found? 162728 56101 50684 79539 53045 Many others don't work ..... Why does this happen? Please fix soon as possible,...
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Latest By xvemanuelvx

08 July 2022

Started 07 July 2022 by honep92724

Ask a Question UPGRADE ISSUE

I am unable to use Nicepage since trying to upgrade to the current build. Need help!
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Latest By Support Team

08 July 2022

Started 08 July 2022 by chris2459

Ask a Question Can not import Nicepage project

I can not import a Nicepage website (saved from the desktop version, to be loaded into the web version) although I have purchased the personal license which is still valid. The summary says I can...
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Latest By MerlinAZ

08 July 2022

Started 08 July 2022 by daniel_meier

Wishlist site search

what about a "seach" for the column "sites" (desktop version) or in alternative a "sort by name", filter by name, sort by date waste of time so scroll over tons of sites
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11 July 2022

Started 09 July 2022 by nerviroberto

Report a bug icon issue

Hi I have windows 10 eng 64bit - latest version Nicepage-4.13.4 fully formatted reinstall windows as well... but still the same icon doesn't work... keep loading MacOS version working fine Please...
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Latest By Support Team

11 July 2022

Started 09 July 2022 by sydbizpos

Ask a Question Pricing

On the Premium tab, it only gives one price for the Personal option. Is the $60 a one off or is it paid monthly, yearly etc. Also, the table says the application license lasts for a lifetime, but...
2 Replies
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Latest By Done

10 July 2022

Started 10 July 2022 by chadatjones

Ask a Question Nicepage Installation Frozen

Nicepage has been frozen at this point for over an hour now. What can I do to procced the installation? Installation Image link:
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10 February 2023

Started 12 July 2022 by dragonsuperdaichi

Ask a Question Why aren't there lifetime licenses anymore?

Just saw that you have revised your plans. But somehow I'm not very enthusiastic about it, because I chose Nicepage because of the one-time purchase.
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12 July 2022

Started 12 July 2022 by xvemanuelvx

Ask a Question Microsoft Edge

Where do I change the Windows version to use Microsoft Edge instead Google Chrome?
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13 July 2022

Started 13 July 2022 by antti222

Ask a Question website lifetime

Hello, I just paid the license for 5 websites. However, if let's say in 2 years I stop paying for my license, would the website still be active? Thank you,
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Latest By Support Team

14 July 2022

Started 13 July 2022 by info8065

Ask a Question Application License

I purchased over a year ago. The license expired on Apr 14, 2022. Premium Plans says Application License "Lifetime" and Free updates "One year" However, now I can't even export to html? Nobody...
3 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By MerlinAZ

14 July 2022

Started 14 July 2022 by