Report a bug Online Editor Issues & Bugs?

So I have recently purchased the Ultimate License and have been casually exploring in my free time and have come across MANY MANY issues, or unexpected behavior, rather, that I am unsure if they are...
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Latest By Support Team

06 February 2024

Started 01 February 2024 by Jesci

Ask a Question I am trying to edit individual item on the list, but it changes all the items.

Hi, Please see the video and help me with this. Or let me how I can pick the single items to the cell of some other grid,
4 Replies
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Latest By gbthakkar

20 May 2024

Started 18 May 2024 by gbthakkar

Ask a Question Как добавить страницу 404 на устанвленный с помощью NicePage сайт на Wordpress

Как добавить страницу 404 на устанвленный с помощью NicePage сайт на Wordpress
52 Replies
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Latest By brianna40

4 weeks ago

Started 18 June 2024 by pechera20042

Ask a Question Offer an additional screen width in the builder for Mobile devices with viewport width <420px eg 360px

I thought I commented on one of many old threads about small viewport on mobile devices. - Apologies I cannot find it, hence this new thread. If I understand correctly your default screen width is...
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

04 July 2024

Started 02 July 2024 by ColinK

Ask a Question Import bulk images

Hello, I want to import 50+ images into a page. In a grid with 4 colums. Is it possible to do this in one move? Thanks Greetings Alain Janquart
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22 hours ago

Started yesterday by janquart.alain

Wishlist "Hide on" section and grid, missing image info

Hello I really miss the option "hide on" at the section and at the grid. When I want to add a picture, I do not see any information (file type, dimensions, size), which is very important, because I...
3 Replies
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Latest By myofficialbyasad

14 June 2022

Started 27 October 2018 by helena.lang2

Ask a Question Which Grids & Section Styles in each of the Editions

Is there any way of knowing which grids and section styles are in each of the editions?
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

04 March 2019

Started 07 November 2018 by mick6

Ask a Question grid

I have selected a 5 x 3 grid to display some pictures……. How do I add more rows to this grid...??
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Latest By Willem

07 December 2018

Started 06 December 2018 by sigma

Ask a Question Posts in grid into container?

Hi, I'd like to insert a grid with blog posts titles and excerpts on homepage. Is that achievable through a container, and if so, how do we achieve that? Thanks for helping. Luca
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10 January 2019

Started 10 January 2019 by psycoherence2

Wishlist Site wide border style for Text, Grids, Section in Theme Header and Footer area

Could you add anew feature please. I think... it would be cool if you could go into the Theme Header and add a new style to a text style, similar to block quote. On block quote you can change the...
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Latest By Support Team

11 March 2019

Started 08 March 2019 by Web-Aztec

Ask a Question Snap to 8px invisible grid (not css grid)

It would be nice if I could press a key (or toggle) to snap the element position/size to an invisible grid (for example 8px by default). This is a sales stopper for anyone who has worked with it...
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Latest By Support Team

14 March 2019

Started 12 March 2019 by noshner

Ask a Question Change the grid of the blog template

can i change the grid of the blogtemplate ( joomla) for example 3 columns in the desktop view, 2 in the tablet view... I only see a possibility for just 1 article (column)
9 Replies
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05 March 2020

Started 26 March 2019 by dhondtkris

Ask a Question Grid

Is is best to use a grid inside a container or by itself?
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11 April 2019

Started 10 April 2019 by T-3-Gunner

Ask a Question Image Rotation in Cell

When I upload my images, they appear fine in the uploader and in my file manager. However when I insert into the cell the image is rotated and I am not able to figure out how to rotate the image back...
48 Replies
8 Votes

Latest By Support Team

12 September 2022

Started 12 September 2019 by gaylewashburn2

Ask a Question Grid orientation from horizontal to vertical

Hi! I would like to change the grid (in my case a 3 row grid) orientation from horizontal to vertikal earlier (at 991px) than now (768px). CSS: @media (max-width: 991px) and (min-width: 768px)...
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20 September 2019

Started 20 September 2019 by lutz.nagel