Ask a Question Объект Grid.

Здравствуйте. У меня на странице есть несколько Grid элементов. В каждом по две ячейки. Мне нужно, чтобы на десктопной версии сайта эти ячейки располагались горизонтально, а на мобильной версии -...
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Latest By lazyfox555

04 March 2023

Started 03 March 2023 by lazyfox555


here is a request for the evolution of the Grids in repetitive and NON-repetitive THANKS :)
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Latest By Support Team

03 April 2023

Started 03 April 2023 by designdealer13

Ask a Question Can i insert a grid in a slide(r)?

I want to create a slide(r) where each slide is a complex grid of elements. I cannot figure out how to do it via the slider block. Whenever i try to add a grid element to the slide it create a new...
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Latest By Support Team

03 January 2024

Started 02 January 2024 by Teo

Ask a Question Grid Repeater

I am using Grid Repeater five rows, five columns. I need to remove all content from the very last two blocks on the last row. I have a jpg and button that needs to be removed. When I do this, it...
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Latest By Support Team

18 January 2024

Started 18 January 2024 by mlevans

Wishlist Options for Complex Grids

Hi, I understand that many of the more complex grids do not allow us to customize column and row parameters in responsive views. It would be helpful if those grids at least allowed you the option of...
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Latest By Support Team

28 May 2024

Started 25 May 2024 by trenton_hunt2

Ask a Question hover slider effect + grid repeter element?

Hi can hover slider effect be apply on grid repeter element?
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4 days ago

Started 2 weeks ago by aureliop2

Ask a Question Tablet portrait view with 3 columns looks unbalanced IMO

As you can see from the screenshot when you have a section with 3 (columns) in Tablet portrait mode it displays 2 columns with the third column underneath to the left leaving a blank space to the...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

18 December 2019

Started 14 October 2018 by dgmsteel

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04 February 2019

Started 01 February 2019 by pietercooreman

Ask a Question Stick 2 modules or section...

Hello, is it possible to "stick" 2 modules ? I would like to "stick" the border of a grid with a border of a section to avoid a not wanted overlay ? thanks
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Latest By Support Team

05 February 2019

Started 02 February 2019 by ago

Ask a Question section and grid wont work in the tablet mode with safari

Hi, using a grid (in this case "reference") in the tablet mode look terrible with Safari browsers on an ipad. It look´s fine one Android Tablets and Windows Tablets. Do you have problems with teh...
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Latest By Support Team

27 May 2019

Started 19 May 2019 by kontakt27

Ask a Question Embedding grids within grids in the footer

how can I embed a grid within grids in the footer?
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Latest By Support Team

04 June 2019

Started 02 June 2019 by Jonathanwcurd

Ask a Question Havin problems with the responsiveness

Im doing a section with the slider. Im using a grid. When I put the view for mobile (both) normal and landscape some images of the grid dissapear. Thank you. In some grids one image dissapears to be...
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Latest By Support Team

10 June 2019

Started 10 June 2019 by reaadinc

Ask a Question Does not work in mobile

Design grid with three slots works fine in computer mode shows all photos In mobile and other displays shows blank grid slot! So many bugs in this program!!!
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Latest By Support Team

09 December 2019

Started 07 December 2019 by sales1082

Ask a Question Grid column problem

Hi, I have a problem with the grids, I would like to display in desktop version 4 columns and 3 rows, while in all the other views including the smartphone I want to see 3 columns and 4 rows how can I...
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Latest By Support Team

19 December 2019

Started 17 December 2019 by s.pallaro

Ask a Question slide in Grid

Hello out there, is it now possible to put a slide into a grid? I want on the right side of a part of the site a slide and on the left side just text? Thanks in advance for your answer Have a nice...
2 Replies
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Latest By jim270

31 March 2020

Started 24 February 2020 by elektroknecht4