Ask a Question can't add hyperlink

I’ve tried creating a button and hyperlinking text. Neither are working. It says “click to add address” but when I click nothing happens. It’s like its not letting me click.
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Latest By Support Team

18 October 2022

Started 16 October 2022 by marcus60

Ask a Question How to remove "read more" by default ?

How do I make this option deselected by default on new project export?
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21 July 2023

Started 17 October 2022 by PAS

Ask a Question Upgrading versions

I notice that you are now on version 4.19. I am on v3.26. I'd like to upgrade but not sure if there will be challenges with the upgrade. I have a small maintenance update to my website , and I don't...
2 Replies
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Latest By davidb416

19 October 2022

Started 18 October 2022 by davidb416

Ask a Question Rückwärts Button

Hallo, ich suche verzweifelt den Rückwärtsbutton. Es gibt ja den Aufwärtsbutton bei nicepage, aber den Rückwärtsbutton kann ich nicht finden. können sie mir bei der Suche helfen LG Torsten
5 Replies
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Latest By xvemanuelvx

20 October 2022

Started 18 October 2022 by uckerschwan

Ask a Question Nice page

Greeting, We are having issues when we upload some of the nicepage themes to wordpress. We are having issues taking off some of the footers at the bottom.
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Latest By Support Team

18 October 2022

Started 18 October 2022 by j.lodgegraphics

Wishlist Nicepage 4.20: October 20, 2022 - New Contact Form Elements

Dear Users and Subscribers! We are happy to present the new Nicepage 4.20 update. What's New in This Update? New Contact Form Elements Contact Form ImageContact Form RatingContact Form LineRadios...
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3 Votes

Latest By Support Team

19 October 2022

Started 19 October 2022 by Support Team

Ask a Question Template changes not applied to posts only pages

Hi, when i edit the templates header and footer, changes show only on new pages, when i create new post it gives me the old template, how can i update apply new header to posts/blogs template? Thanks
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

21 October 2022

Started 20 October 2022 by infantserbian

Wishlist Email Subject line

Hello, How can I change the Subject Line for the email submission from the webpage and "Message from the user"? Also, once I have the custom domain configured and the domain email, will the "noreply...
4 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

16 December 2022

Started 20 October 2022 by dasignlady

Ask a Question Actual Page Difference to Preview

I've spent hours trying design a simple page. Just some text and a single image. But when I publish the page, either the image scale is way too large, or it floats down the page ... either way, the...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

21 October 2022

Started 20 October 2022 by davidb416

Ask a Question I cannot publish website

please help i have license life time but why cant publish website? you said five website
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Latest By Support Team

20 October 2022

Started 20 October 2022 by robinhossain

Ask a Question nicepage stop showing the page URL

when publishing a particular page we use to see after the publish the page URL the page url is not listed anymore and only the domain is showed please return the function to see the page url after...
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

25 October 2022

Started 21 October 2022 by J Developer

Report a bug Views are not independent. Moving or resizing an element in one view changes the element size and/or position in other views.

You are supposed to be able to move and resize elements for different device views; however, when you resize or move an element in the "portrait phones" view, for example, it also rearranges the...
4 Replies
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Latest By cody.flanagan

18 November 2022

Started 21 October 2022 by

Ask a Question id and type of a template

Hi. I have got perhaps a silly question, how to know the id and the type of template I am using, did not remember that when start editing. Do I have to use a WordPress template if I want to publish my...
4 Replies
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Latest By Alex Zhu

22 October 2022

Started 22 October 2022 by Alex Zhu

Ask a Question Site title appearance

Dear Nicepages Supporters, Hi, i want to ask a question. So now im CEO my website and after i filled in keywords area and tried to search it on Google. It is amazing that it appears on top of the...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

24 October 2022

Started 23 October 2022 by zinnguyen77

Ask a Question the page and petures look diffrent after publish

one more problem that is happening after the last page update you have done please see how the buttons look when its set on the page and how its looks after publishing the page what is going on?
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Latest By Support Team

24 October 2022

Started 24 October 2022 by J Developer