Ask a Question Como importar o html salvo de novo para o projeto

Foi feito um upgrade no meu computador e o nicepage foi desistalado, como recupero o arquivo. Tem a opção de importar o html salvo?
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Latest By MerlinAZ

07 November 2022

Started 07 November 2022 by kmexmtk

Ask a Question Publishing problem. Doesn't publish last design.

After saving my website (just three pages) when I publish it the result is the previous one: no updates done are published. Any help? Thank you
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Latest By Support Team

09 November 2022

Started 09 November 2022 by sergigamizribelles

Ask a Question Europäischen DSGVO (Datenschutz-Grundverordnung)

Sehr geehrtes Team von NIcepage, laut der europäischen DSGVO (Datenschutz-Grundverordnung) ist es strafbar, wenn man über den Google Server Schriften nachlädt. Es wäre sehr sinnvoll, dass man in...
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Latest By Support Team

09 November 2022

Started 09 November 2022 by moewe

Ask a Question Unable to add resource. Your storage space is exceeded

are there momentary problems with Nicepage's site or have I really exceeded the space quota?
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Latest By GMC74

11 November 2022

Started 10 November 2022 by GMC74

Ask a Question unable to publish site, your storage space is exceeded

Don't know why. Tried deleting some elements but still doesnt work.
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Latest By Support Team

11 November 2022

Started 10 November 2022 by wzhang5

Report a bug Problems with saving pages.

Problems with saving pages. modifying the pages with different computers but with the same account, the header goes back to a previously created version. I look forward to receiving your feedback and...
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Latest By Support Team

15 November 2022

Started 10 November 2022 by bibiana

Ask a Question Where can I find full image file name ?

How can I find the name of the image file on the page ? If I click on "change image" I get a pane showing all images with their names cut-off and I still can't tell which image I am supposed to be...
10 Replies
2 Votes

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22 August 2024

Started 10 November 2022 by info80272

Ask a Question unable to add resource

i get this message all the time unable to add resource when will you fix this?
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11 November 2022

Started 11 November 2022 by J Developer

Ask a Question Unable to Publish Website | Unable to add resource, Your storage space is exceeded

Hi Whenever i am trying to update the existing landing pages or trying to add new landing page, I am getting error message that "Unable to add resource, Your storage space is exceeded" , Please fix...
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Latest By Support Team

11 November 2022

Started 11 November 2022 by tram

Ask a Question Colors disappeared

Hallo! I made a website, but today when I changed one bit all colors just disappeared. I can still see them when editing, but when I open it in a browser they disappear.
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Latest By Support Team

14 November 2022

Started 12 November 2022 by suhibuilder3

Ask a Question Updating sections

If I update a block I find I have to upload the entire site otherwise I get layout going all out of sync, etc. I have tried uploading block or page with the relevant CSS file but it still throws out...
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Latest By Support Team

14 November 2022

Started 12 November 2022 by nick804

Ask a Question Blog History

I have created a new blog post updates section with a summary of the last 6 posts. How do I create a search history or list the categories and previous posts for customers to search older content that...
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Latest By Support Team

15 November 2022

Started 15 November 2022 by support35422

Ask a Question landing page

Hola, estoy interesada en vuestra plataforma, pero mi pregunta es: Si creo una landing page (solo landing page) la puedo instalar en el wordpress de un cliente? que trabaja con elementor o wix solo...
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Latest By Support Team

16 November 2022

Started 16 November 2022 by rosaingladaav


How can my customer update his his texts and images WITHOUT MODIFYING THE SITE (e.g. menu prices, timetables, crew names, etc.) SEE THE DIAGRAM TO UNDERSTAND MY QUESTION For information, Adobe Muse...
15 Replies
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Latest By designdealer13

18 November 2022

Started 16 November 2022 by designdealer13

Wishlist LOCK

Here are three places where we should definitely be able to lock. We spend our time rewriting a padding or a margin or a position. As soon as you touch something, everything moves. Thanks
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02 February 2023

Started 16 November 2022 by designdealer13