Hi see attached screenshot. I have a dropdown list from 1 -10. I my case it's for the number of directors. So basically, i want to use the "Show or Hide if" function. But theres is only two options...
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Latest By Support Team

08 January 2024

Started 08 January 2024 by info116622


I export my sites in HTML - often I duplicate a page from another site - no matter WHAT I do--EVEN if I DELETE the title totally to a blank field - IT WILL NOT CHANGE - (it stays the same from the...
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Latest By Support Team

08 January 2024

Started 21 June 2023 by stacey23

Wishlist Subfolders for pages in Nicepage for Joomla

Dear developers, if you work with the Desktop App for Nicepage, you have the possibility to add subfolders to the pages at the left menue. As soon as the design has been imported into Joomla, these...
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Latest By DG Media

08 January 2024

Started 02 January 2024 by DG Media

Ask a Question Resposiveness of Ready To Use Templates A Mess

Is it just me or do others have the same experience? The ready to use templates look awesome, but once you have a look at it in responsive view it is a mess of jumbled elements. Most are almost...
13 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

08 January 2024

Started 26 January 2019 by Christie G

Ask a Question Plugin version in Joomla at 1.0.0. Problem with updating Joomla 4

I want to do an update on Joomla but it says that the version of the plugins must be updated first. All the version say 1.0.0 How can I correct this ? Can I download the plugins seperately from...
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Latest By idso.brouwer

08 January 2024

Started 07 January 2024 by idso.brouwer

Wishlist beyond trade

I'm delighted with all the NicePage E-commerce news. But there are other things too. Personally, I find that certain essential design elements are still not taken into account. EXAMPLES: 1) UPDATING...
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Latest By Support Team

08 January 2024

Started 07 January 2024 by designdealer13

Ask a Question Form submissions per site

Hello there, Happy new year. I found there is a limitation on the form submission, which is 50/lifetime. I'd like to know what does the submission mean. I made a website, in which there is a form...
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Latest By Support Team

08 January 2024

Started 02 January 2024 by Stone

Ask a Question how to customize contact form letter

good day, Kindly ask you to help how to customize contact form fields, which appears in the letter. For example -...
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Latest By Support Team

08 January 2024

Started 03 January 2024 by marinav1216

Ask a Question I can't edit my website - its gone from the application

I created a website. I actually have all the files and I have it up on AWS S3 but now when I open the Nicepage Mac Application it does not show the website as it was finished. Can I get the existing...
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Latest By Support Team

08 January 2024

Started 03 January 2024 by justin.buswell

Ask a Question How to use Blog Category Tabs

Hi there, I would like to know how can I use the Element: Blog Category Tabs in my Joomla Blogs because seems it doesn't do what I want to achieve Can you explain it to me? Thanks Nancy
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Latest By Support Team

08 January 2024

Started 03 January 2024 by A12 Web Studio

Ask a Question Custom Style font

Hi guys! When we write some text we have the possibility to style them as text, titles, as I show in the image. But i am using in my site the font Poppins uut everytime that i style my text to "title...
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08 January 2024

Started 06 January 2024 by indexonaweb

Ask a Question Invallid accent color

What does this mean, see screenshot.
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08 January 2024

Started 07 January 2024 by info43752

Report a bug website not saving

not saving to my website address on siteboard after editing and no save button on editor .. it continues to say: site name has already been used. How can I make Edits?
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Latest By Support Team

08 January 2024

Started 07 January 2024 by ffaemail

Ask a Question Visualizzazione immagini

IL sito non visualizzazza piu le immagini caricate da desktop, come è possibile?
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Latest By Support Team

08 January 2024

Started 07 January 2024 by definitivo94

Ask a Question Export from live Joomla to Nicepage app

Hello, Have you been able to add the feature to export from a live Joomla Nicepage website? I understand that it is important to be able to edit in the app, but I started on-line so all of my content...
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Latest By Support Team

08 January 2024

Started 05 January 2024 by Celtic Kathie