I'm delighted with all the NicePage E-commerce news.
But there are other things too.
Personally, I find that certain essential design elements are still not taken into account.
When an image is modified in the library, it should be updated on all the pages where it is used. Otherwise, every time I change images, logos and pictograms, I spend my days reinstalling them.
There are no active/inactive statuses (for example, the French flag is normal because it's active and the others are 50% transparent because they're inactive).
The web sometimes requires elements that need to stay in place (a booking tab on the right-hand side, an image that goes up and is fixed somewhere, etc.).
See what Sparkle does: https://resources.nicepage.com/492/103492/Capture-d-e%CC%81cran-2023-03-24-a%CC%80-08.59.53.png
old post: https://nicepage.com/questions/402315/sticky-elements
There is no possibility of sub menu (an additional menu that only appears on certain pages)
ancient post : https://nicepage.com/questions/402311/sub-menu
The top menu already has many options, but it's not enough. More settings are needed.
On scrolling, change text colours, change header height, add or remove a logo, an element, etc.
I'm delighted with all the NicePage E-commerce news. But there are other things too. Personally, I find that certain essential design elements are still not taken into account. EXAMPLES: 1) UPDATING MEDIA When an image is modified in the library, it should be updated on all the pages where it is used. Otherwise, every time I change images, logos and pictograms, I spend my days reinstalling them. 2) LANGUAGE BUTTON STATUSES There are no active/inactive statuses (for example, the French flag is normal because it's active and the others are 50% transparent because they're inactive). 3) STICKY ELEMENTS The web sometimes requires elements that need to stay in place (a booking tab on the right-hand side, an image that goes up and is fixed somewhere, etc.). See what Sparkle does: https://resources.nicepage.com/492/103492/Capture-d-e%CC%81cran-2023-03-24-a%CC%80-08.59.53.png > old post: https://nicepage.com/questions/402315/sticky-elements 4) SUB MENU There is no possibility of sub menu (an additional menu that only appears on certain pages) > ancient post : https://nicepage.com/questions/402311/sub-menu 5) MENUS The top menu already has many options, but it's not enough. More settings are needed. On scrolling, change text colours, change header height, add or remove a logo, an element, etc. > ancient post: https://nicepage.com/questions/392148/menu-sancient post: https://nicepage.com/questions/392148/menu-s