Ask a Question Page size bigger than template

Hello, i have a problem, the page size is bigger than my Themler template. Look here : My template is 970px large. The nicepage page is...
6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

14 February 2019

Started 10 February 2019 by frederic

Ask a Question Reverse Engineering a web site into NicePage

Themla has given up the ghost. How can I reverse engineer a website into NicePage?
1 Reply
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Latest By Support Team

12 February 2019

Started 11 February 2019 by webteam2

Ask a Question WordPress Export from desktop

I am trying to export a three page theme as a WordPress theme. I am able to export the theme as HTML, Project, or Nicepage app, but not as a WordPress theme. When I try it generates an error. "Export...
10 Replies
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29 April 2019

Started 11 February 2019 by R.A. Ross

Ask a Question Portability problem

Hi, I have created a website on the windows app. If I open the nicepage online editor I can't find this site. I need to edit it online now. Please help!
11 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

14 February 2019

Started 11 February 2019 by savonachapter

Ask a Question multi-language

Hello, is it possible to create a multi-language website with nicepage? (languages such as german, english, spain, ...) Hope of your prompt reply. Thanks.
52 Replies
27 Votes

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01 August 2022

Started 13 February 2019 by office132

Ask a Question Missing text block

On the site I've been building everything is fine except in the cell phone vertical mode. This is the only mode where the text that should be under "Shop Our Online Store" is missing. The site is...
21 Replies
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05 March 2019

Started 14 February 2019 by Central Tech

Ask a Question import favicon and footer text designed by...

How can i import a favicon images and below the site the name of the designer, in a site with nicepage on a jjoomla platform
5 Replies
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24 March 2020

Started 20 February 2019 by dhondtkris

Ask a Question Clarifying

If I choose « I design pages » do I get access to the online version as well as the desktop version? Can I get the discount for the hosting as well? Because if I buy the software + the hosting for...
17 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

07 March 2019

Started 25 February 2019 by audrayp

Ask a Question Can we have icons to assign any menu item? Or even Titles, Subtitles and Bullets like into text line or so...

Hello! Hope you are having a great day :P till now at least! jaja Just joking. I know you are! Ok. As my question explains: What if you add a Menu Item Option to assign an icon aside L-R-T-B menu...
4 Replies
8 Votes

Latest By walter900

26 April 2024

Started 27 February 2019 by LGALLP

Ask a Question How do I duplicate a website within Nicepage Desktop App

I would like to duplicate a Website Template I have designed with the Nicepage Windows Desktop App. I would like to create several different themes to present to a customer but without having to start...
7 Replies
8 Votes

Latest By aleksander.dudek

20 January 2021

Started 27 February 2019 by mwlake08

Ask a Question Megamenu

Are you going to have a proper mega menu with ability to add module positions to it?
43 Replies
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12 April 2022

Started 08 March 2019 by admin

Ask a Question Unable to export the folder with project files

Unable to export the folder with project files is the erro I get after I upgraded to the Business Version of NicePage.!
3 Replies
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13 March 2019

Started 09 March 2019 by admin178

Ask a Question problems with responsive view

Hallo I have problems with responsive view and iphone 5 upright. Page is too wide
12 Replies
1 Votes

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24 April 2019

Started 13 March 2019 by v.jaroussov

Ask a Question Resizable header

What I am still missing is the way to resize a header when scrolling. So when you scroll down the header gets smaller with a smaller logo or just a background color like this site:...
19 Replies
17 Votes

Latest By heikom36

15 February 2023

Started 20 March 2019 by jelle.buelens

Ask a Question How to keep website main template/design across the entire website when creating new pages?

Hello again, Nicepage Team! This topic is related mostly for when I´ve selected a free template from the Community gallery... This creates a single "landing page like" home/website, so I have to add...
5 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By Support Team

02 April 2019

Started 30 March 2019 by LGALLP