Ask a Question One page website

Can I make a one page website with each section being a page? When you click on the menu name it would go down to the section on/of the page.
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06 October 2021

Started 24 October 2018 by fredcate

Ask a Question Javascript

I'm attempting to make one of my pages password protected. I don't know how to do this. Went on Youtube and obtained a javascript code but now how do I get at the html code for that page and where do...
3 Replies
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04 July 2022

Started 28 October 2018 by SCV

Ask a Question Meta tags

I inserted a number of Meta tags in the space provided in the html setting. Now these meta tags appear on the top of the page. I have attached a .jpg perhaps you could tell me how to remove...
23 Replies
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07 June 2023

Started 30 October 2018 by SCV

Ask a Question Text or Title in two colors

it is necessary to integrate a function that allows the text that we have in a menu or in a text, we can put it in two colors
9 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

02 April 2019

Started 30 October 2018 by efv2

Ask a Question Directory for "My Pictures"

Hi how to create Directories in "My Pictures" (see Attached) ? Regards Mario
9 Replies
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Latest By iRazor

21 January 2023

Started 01 November 2018 by CREAWEB.XYZ (PTY) Ltd

Ask a Question Container Object Stickiness

I have a lot of confusion over when and how objects within a container are attached to sides of a container. In other words, when you add objects to a container, when and how do they become attached...
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Latest By Support Team

02 November 2018

Started 01 November 2018 by dan

Ask a Question Hide empty Joomla positions

Hi there, is it possible to hide positions in the blog/post templates whenever there is no active module within the position ? This would be a feature I would very much appreciate ! And even better:...
11 Replies
6 Votes

Latest By Support Team

30 November 2020

Started 03 November 2018 by TKPAW

Ask a Question blog - read more

Hello, On my blog page the "read more" text why appear in twice? In the sample there is only the last one... And how can I change the text from "read more" to "Elolvasom". I couldn't find this...
8 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

01 April 2020

Started 04 November 2018 by angelyrics2

Ask a Question Grid variations

On the sales page it says that the Pro version has 100+ grid variations. As I have been focused on this, due to not being able to edit them to ad / remove cells, I find that there are only 87...
14 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

11 March 2019

Started 06 November 2018 by mike10

Ask a Question Menù formatting

I find the graphic formatting of the menus to be functional but it is not like the sections, there is no menu library (?) I wanted to know if it is possible or it will be possible to have ready-made...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

30 November 2018

Started 07 November 2018 by info2714

Ask a Question SEO?

Hi, since SEO is increasingly important, does Nicepage have an additional HTML header section? Have a nice day Walt
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22 August 2019

Started 08 November 2018 by wdege

Ask a Question TAG ALT not always be inserted

Hi, I read the instructions in the post #2469, but in some images (cover or contains is equal) you can not add the ALT TAG. Thank you. Walt
11 Replies
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21 March 2019

Started 09 November 2018 by wdege

Wishlist insert table

insert table in section (similar text) Regards Mario
4 Replies
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13 November 2018

Started 10 November 2018 by

Ask a Question sliding headers

In Artisteer you could insert/makeup a header with more sliders. Is same foreseen in Nicepage?
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Latest By Support Team

13 November 2018

Started 10 November 2018 by j.knaap2

Report a bug Some grids missing in responsive mode

When a section is created with grids, some grids are missing in responsive cell phone mode.
3 Replies
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Latest By DigitalWorld

24 November 2018

Started 11 November 2018 by DigitalWorld