Ask a Question Header and Footer Missing from Template

Hi, I am uploading a WordPress site. I updated to Nicepage 2.02 and exported both theme and content to a zip file. Upload zip file to site through upload theme. Updated nicepage plugin, active new...
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Latest By Support Team

03 May 2023

Started 27 November 2019 by idesignwebsolutions

Ask a Question Can not I search by keyword in the templates?

I can not find a way to search for computers, for example
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03 December 2019

Started 02 December 2019 by ComDAG

Ask a Question Exporting Post Template

Every time when I make a port or Blog template and exit the program I have to select the Blog template again. When exporting the template it only exports the page and no joomla positions of modules...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

04 December 2019

Started 03 December 2019 by idso.brouwer

Ask a Question How does the HTML template work?

Hello there! I have just recently purchased Nicepage and I am loving it. This might be a silly question and I am sorry if it is. My programming knowledge is very limited and I usually use Joomla!...
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Latest By Support Team

06 December 2019

Started 04 December 2019 by crazy52

Ask a Question Blog / post template edit

Have a nice day, can i edit blog and post templeate also online in wodrpress plugin or just in desktop installation?
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Latest By Support Team

15 September 2020

Started 08 December 2019 by Lukas Jirman

Ask a Question How to customize template for a component

I read about a previous query about adding Woocommerce to Nice Page, but I usually make use of E-Shop (joomdonation) in Joomla. But as I cannot link this to a category, the blog and post layout cannot...
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Latest By Support Team

18 December 2019

Started 12 December 2019 by Jet de Jager

Ask a Question In Nicepage built Joomla! template, does not show properly the form controls

The problem is, that template's footer is above and over form's button "Submit". I am aware, that for the Joomla!'s built-in Contacts component, I will have to build a seperate template, not to have a...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

17 December 2019

Started 13 December 2019 by michal84

Wishlist Blog and Post template - Background transparency and shading configuration

Hello team, please add to the Nicepage app an option, to set background transparency and shading used in both templates, like it is in standard article editing. Static colour, gradient, image or video...
2 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By Waldesigner

08 November 2020

Started 20 December 2019 by michal84

Ask a Question Template not change

Hello! I have upload a templateupdate and the old template cleared. I have cleared all Joomlacache and all browsercache. But the old tempalte is present. Whats its the matter? Thanks and best...
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Latest By Support Team

30 December 2019

Started 26 December 2019 by agrarblattersleben

Ask a Question Footer is overlaping joomla content (post template)

Hi there, I am creating my first project with NicePage, but I dont know why, the footer is overlaping my joomla content (Post template) take a look to the Url bellow to see...
7 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

15 January 2020

Started 27 December 2019 by alecrim.bruno

Ask a Question Creating additional Theme:Blog Templates

Using Nicepage for WordPress. Looking to create custom ADDITIONAL Theme:Blog Template or Post Template. SO when I click on theme, I see towards the Bottom Blog Template and Post Template, How can I...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

20 February 2024

Started 28 December 2019 by vin439

Ask a Question Creating additional Theme:Blog Templates

Using Nicepage for WordPress. Looking to create custom ADDITIONAL Theme:Blog Template or Post Template. SO when I click on theme, I see towards the Bottom Blog Template and Post Template, How can I...
2 Replies
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Latest By vin439

30 December 2019

Started 28 December 2019 by vin439

Ask a Question How can I enable READ MORE button in nicepage joomla template?

I did not find a way to enable "read more" button in joomla template created with Nicepage. This function is already enable in joomla, and when I change to default joomla template (protostar) the...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

11 December 2020

Started 29 December 2019 by alecrim.bruno

Ask a Question Changing pictures afterwards Joomla Helix Template does not work

Unfortunately in joomla I cannot access different picture folders. I am using Helix Ultimate as the default template and I want to use Nicepage to create amounts in Joomla.
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Latest By Support Team

10 January 2020

Started 04 January 2020 by kontakt4

Ask a Question Dropping my favorite.ico into the template folder no longer works with updated template.

My new Nicepage websites I use the the Setting for website and upload the favicon.ico and it works great. On my older websites I drop the favicon.ico in the template folder, but it has stopped...
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

10 January 2020

Started 09 January 2020 by johnny.fowler2