Dropping my favorite.ico into the template folder no longer works with updated template.

58 Posts
johnny.fowler2 posted this 09 January 2020
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My new Nicepage websites I use the the Setting for website and upload the favicon.ico and it works great. On my older websites I drop the favicon.ico in the template folder, but it has stopped working. Tried reloading the old template with new template with the same favicon.ico in the Website settings and it still did not work.

My new Nicepage websites I use the the Setting for website and upload the favicon.ico and it works great. On my older websites I drop the favicon.ico in the template folder, but it has stopped working. Tried reloading the old template with new template with the same favicon.ico in the Website settings and it still did not work. Help
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58 Posts
johnny.fowler2 posted this 09 January 2020

Fixed by setting Page Template, back to "Theme Header and Footer" option.

Fixed by setting Page Template, back to "Theme Header and Footer" option. Sorry!
Support Team
Support Team posted this 10 January 2020


We glad that you managed to solve this issue.
Our developers are looking to the way to display the favicon when the plugin Header and Footer are used. The problem, in this case, the theme is not used. As a result the theme feature live favicons are not displayed.

Please let us know if you need further assistance.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hi JOHNNY, We glad that you managed to solve this issue. Our developers are looking to the way to display the favicon when the plugin Header and Footer are used. The problem, in this case, the theme is not used. As a result the theme feature live favicons are not displayed. Please let us know if you need further assistance. ................................................... Sincerely, Olivia Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/nicepage?sub_confirmation=1 Follow us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/nicepageapp
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