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Latest By Support Team

12 March 2024

Started 12 March 2024 by tvrtransportesmx

Ask a Question Reinstalling Wordpress website into Nicepage.

Hello, I am new to this stuff and have a question - how can I properly reinstall my Wordpress website that was created in Nicepage? I have it currently installed but, it's a mess (which I created). I...
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Latest By Support Team

11 March 2024

Started 11 March 2024 by reelitur

Ask a Question Missing Sites???

I am missing at least 5 sites?? And I see sites that were created at least a year ago, that are old and not relevant? I am freaking out right now...
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Latest By stacey23

11 March 2024

Started 11 March 2024 by stacey23

Ask a Question Form submissions per site what it means kindly explan

in Premium Plans what is the meaning of (Form submissions per site )
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11 March 2024

Started 11 March 2024 by americanmedicalcenter24

Ask a Question Only use nicepage footer

Is it possible to use only the nicepage footer? The header would be from another theme.
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Latest By Support Team

11 March 2024

Started 11 March 2024 by derkauzigekoala

Wishlist Adding a Dropdown List

I want to add a dropdown list where users can choose from such as list of countries, etc...
4 Replies
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Latest By gabrieleviola.it

11 March 2024

Started 20 September 2022 by Ra1ph

Wishlist Menu with images

Hi, Is it possible to make a menu with an image for the main main menu and other images for the sub-menus? How? Thank you Patrick
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Latest By Support Team

11 March 2024

Started 11 March 2024 by iop_home

Ask a Question Not Follow Link

Hi On my question how I can add NOT FOLOOW LINK in plugin (no such option in plugin while in app it is) NicePage team advice to insert following code; <a href rel>Hyperlink</a> I am...
3 Replies
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11 March 2024

Started 05 March 2024 by Bropestcontrol

Ask a Question Importing a project

I have created some pages and a template in licensed Nicepage and I want to import this in an new Joomla 5.0.3 installation. The enpty site is working well, but now the contents. I have imported the...
7 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

11 March 2024

Started 06 March 2024 by Jan van IJsseldijk

Ask a Question Wordpress export problem

Hello, I have a problem with Wordpress in the domain test.de/index.html/... I would like to remove the index.html so that it looks better, but if I change it under the permalinks in wordpress it...
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

11 March 2024

Started 03 March 2024 by Sorrow Finest

Wishlist Dark and light mode toggle

Is there a way to add a toggle button for dark and light mode?
11 Replies
3 Votes

Latest By Support Team

11 March 2024

Started 29 September 2020 by Sam B

Wishlist Gallery load more

Hi, when i insert a gallery in the block, is possible to use the "load more" function? If i setup gallery with 3 columns and 3 rows, when i add more then 9 images, is possbile to view there only i...
6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

11 March 2024

Started 09 February 2022 by info5057

Wishlist Restart counter in modal

Hi guys, I'd like to add a modal to a page that contains a counter. Problem is, when the page loads the counter starts. Expected behaviour normally. But I'd like the counter to only start when the...
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Latest By Support Team

11 March 2024

Started 10 March 2024 by davidjburton

Ask a Question Delete large amount of images

Hello. I have uploaded a lot of images to "my images", around 800 images and i wish to delete them. Is there anyway i can delete them all at once instead of one by one? Thank you.
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Latest By Support Team

11 March 2024

Started 11 March 2024 by ivobelchior

Ask a Question Premium Plan Activation Issue

Hello Nicepage Support, I've purchased the premium plan but can't create a new site despite the 10-site allowance. It prompts me to upgrade. Please advise urgently. Thanks
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Latest By Support Team

11 March 2024

Started 11 March 2024 by powerbusinesscenter2