Wishlist modal popup on blog page

Hi. I am using the modal popup and is showing on all pages but not on the blog page. The blog page does not show up on the list of pages to select where to show the popup. How to get the modal popup...
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Latest By Support Team

14 March 2024

Started 08 March 2024 by Pedro.Reis

Ask a Question Theme colours

I have change the theme colours and fonts and exported the them exclusing the pages into wordpress but it does not update the them page colours in wordpress. How do I change the them and font colours...
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14 March 2024

Started 14 March 2024 by support35422

Ask a Question zapisana strona

Witam, zapisałem w okresie testowym stronę do HTML i strona nie działą prawidłowo. Co mam zrobic?
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14 March 2024

Started 14 March 2024 by maciejkesicki

Ask a Question Footer

Changes made to Nicepage footer in Wordpress are upated on all pages except the blog and shopping cart pages. Please address this technical issue.
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Latest By Support Team

14 March 2024

Started 14 March 2024 by support35422

Ask a Question Blog Category

Como atribuo uma categoria a um post?
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14 March 2024

Started 06 March 2024 by Alimentarius

Ask a Question sovrapposizione ascolto file audio

Salve di nuovo!! Ho notato che purtroppo, inserendo più file audio, questi possono essere riprodotti simultaneamente, creando un macello! E' possibile fare in modo che se c'è un brano in riproduzione,...
3 Replies
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14 March 2024

Started 25 October 2023 by roberto.pagnozzi

Ask a Question Blog Comments

Hello, How can I make comments available to site visitors in the blog block?
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14 March 2024

Started 13 March 2024 by Alimentarius

Ask a Question Blog Categories

Hello, How can I put post categories in a blog block?
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14 March 2024

Started 13 March 2024 by Alimentarius

Ask a Question Moving objects

I don't understand when I place a picture in a block I can't move it with my mouse. I have to use the dimension numbers on the right side. Before I could this just placed it where I wanted. Did I...
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14 March 2024

Started 13 March 2024 by vmigliozzi10

Ask a Question Restore a project

Hello. I want to restore a project but the app doesn't let me
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14 March 2024

Started 13 March 2024 by andanirzag

Ask a Question database request

Hello, I have a quick question Once the customer enters this information in the contact form, I see it well after in the contact form. My question is that afterwards I would like to contact them via...
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Latest By Support Team

13 March 2024

Started 13 March 2024 by anthonydelas3333

Ask a Question Added PHP inside a webpage doesn't work

Hi team, I added a PHP in a block with a simple echo command and it doesn't display. Must I use another CSS class to get the text displayed or is this a bug? It looks like the PHP is not execute if...
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13 March 2024

Started 13 March 2024 by IWOXX

Ask a Question Cannot see the version 6.6.0 after downgrading version

Where to find the latest version of the Windows app?
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Latest By candoo

13 March 2024

Started 12 March 2024 by Digitalifters

Ask a Question Joomla 4 to Joomla 5

Dear developers, as Joomla 5 has been released and sometime in the future a migration to Joomla 5 will be necessary, I wonder how this will work with pages currently running on Joomla 4. In the...
2 Replies
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Latest By DG Media

13 March 2024

Started 13 March 2024 by DG Media

Ask a Question Sent emails logs - nicepage joomla 3.10 "Send Email via PHP Script"

Hi, my client use yours website builder at his website which based on Joomla!. He is using also yours contact form with selected option "Send Email via PHP Script", but he lost access to the e-mail...
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Latest By Support Team

13 March 2024

Started 13 March 2024 by LukasW