Form submissions per site what it means kindly explan

1 Posts
americanmedicalcenter24 posted this 11 March 2024
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in Premium Plans what is the meaning of (Form submissions per site )

in Premium Plans what is the meaning of (Form submissions per site )

Last edited 11 March 2024 by americanmedicalcenter24

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Support Team
Support Team posted this 11 March 2024


Thanks for reaching out to us

In the context of Nicepage's Premium Plans, "Form submissions per site" refers to the number of times users can submit a form on your website within a specified period. For example, in the Business Premium plan, you are allowed up to 1000 contact form submissions per website. This means visitors to your site can fill out and submit a contact form up to 1000 times before reaching the limit specified in your plan. If you exceed this limit, you may consider upgrading your plan or managing your form submissions accordingly.

Please be informed that this limitation is related to the Email and Google Sheets submit options only.


Nicepage Support Team

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Hello, Thanks for reaching out to us In the context of Nicepage's Premium Plans, "Form submissions per site" refers to the number of times users can submit a form on your website within a specified period. For example, in the Business Premium plan, you are allowed up to 1000 contact form submissions per website. This means visitors to your site can fill out and submit a contact form up to 1000 times before reaching the limit specified in your plan. If you exceed this limit, you may consider upgrading your plan or managing your form submissions accordingly. Please be informed that this limitation is related to the **Email** and **Google Sheets** submit options only. !multiple-use.png! ................................................... Sincerely, Ahmad. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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