Ask a Question Menu Bar disappearing

SITUATION: macOS 10.15.4 Menu Bar set to sticky - so it remains visible and at the top. Block below, has a image and is set to parallax The menu bar disappears on scroll yet parallax working...
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Latest By Support Team

06 April 2020

Started 04 April 2020 by fisher_warren2

Report a bug Hamburger menu with submenu not working as expected

Hello Team, It looks like the hamburger menu isn't working as expected. Whatever the link syntax (relative or absolute link) you enter to go to the upper level of a page, there remains a "dead link"...
9 Replies
3 Votes

Latest By Support Team

19 October 2022

Started 25 April 2020 by cinquestan

Ask a Question How do I get my vertical menu bar lower?

How do I get my vertical menu bar lower (equal with content, under the breadcrumbs)?
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

21 May 2020

Started 19 May 2020 by richardkruizinga

Ask a Question Newbie struggling with menu logo

Hi Im a Nicepage newbie struggling with menu logo. When I preview this is what i get a broken picture symbol as shown in the attached jpg: I have been through the settings but i cant find where i...
9 Replies
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Latest By NiceGary

01 June 2020

Started 30 May 2020 by NiceGary

Ask a Question Active color on top menu not showing when submenu is active

i have a navigation with a submenu under "produkte". on the first screenshot it looks right (working mode in wordpress). but when it's live the active menu is NOT highlighted even though we're in the...
8 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

12 August 2020

Started 04 June 2020 by pixelmuffin

Ask a Question Building a Template and having issues.

I have installed NicePage on my Joomla site and I am trying to build a template but I am running into some issues. One is the menu does not show up on the page when I preview it. The second is that...
8 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By Support Team

16 June 2020

Started 10 June 2020 by airplayne

Ask a Question Hamburger menu

I have drop down submenus which all work fine in normal mode. When I go to a page in whcih I selected a hamburger menu should operate I can acces the sub menu pages but not the page to which the...
10 Replies
4 Votes

Latest By Support Team

02 December 2020

Started 14 June 2020 by Jeff Hartley

Ask a Question Hamburger Menu

I am building an HTML site which will have 14 pages (x2 for a second language). I would like to use the Hamburger menu, but right now only 7 of the pages show on quick preview, the rest not....
11 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

18 June 2020

Started 16 June 2020 by info26622

Ask a Question Menu Issue

Hi. Since I installed the Nice Page 2.2. yesterday, most of my pages listed in the sidebar menu on all three sites no longer pop up when I click the titles. The message I get is that they don't exist...
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Latest By Support Team

07 August 2020

Started 07 August 2020 by unclealex2k

Ask a Question Menu

How do I ensure only the section chosen by the menu shows and no other?
10 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

12 August 2020

Started 09 August 2020 by bob.inglis.brass

Ask a Question Link to pdf file from menu item

Hello I'm just discovering the concept of NicePage and it seems very interresting ! I can't find the solution to the problem defined in the title : how to link a pdf file from a menu (sub meni) item...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

04 March 2021

Started 09 August 2020 by noel.dubau

Ask a Question Wrong active menu highlighting

My website menu is highlighting the wrong way. As soon as you open the site it's highlighting all the sections of the home page. Please check the live site here.
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Latest By Support Team

19 August 2020

Started 19 August 2020 by sankarmondal40

Ask a Question Wordpess issue

Hello, i am testing nicepage on wordpress and I have an issue. I can't change my first page for a Nicepage's page. I can add pages but if I open it's not a beautiful page like I...
1 Reply
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Latest By Support Team

25 August 2020

Started 25 August 2020 by Eliot.malsert

Report a bug Last Update: Underlining Menü not possible anymore

Hi Nicepage Team, I just completed the latest Nicepage Update, but now my menu looks different. Can you fix this?
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

01 September 2020

Started 31 August 2020 by ti.hoffmann2

Ask a Question adding submenu makes menu nonfunctional

I started adding submenus for each menu item. I made the submenu items tied to blocks on the page of the master menu item. I noticed that when I preview the webpage that the menu items that have...
11 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

10 December 2020

Started 01 September 2020 by manager182