So fügen Sie das Karussell der Blog-Posts hinzu, um Blog-Posts auf einer Webseite auszugeben

Blogs sind ein wesentlicher Bestandteil vieler moderner Websites, und viele Benutzer verwenden das Karussell-Layout, um Blog-Beiträge zu veröffentlichen. Es schafft Interaktion und hat eine ansprechendere Präsentation. Du kannst die Posts im Posts-Panel des Schnellzugriffs hinzufügen und dann das Post-Karussell-Element zu jedem Block hinzufügen. Sie können das Karussell testen, indem Sie im Editor und in den Vorschauen auf die Pfeile und Anzeigen klicken.

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How To Add The Carousel Of Blog Posts To A Web Page

Blog posts play an important role in familiarizing your users with your website's current news and updates. Instead of placing a list of recent posts on your page, make it more interactive using the post carousel widget of the posts carousel element. The carousel post will attract more attention and save space on your post page. Go to the Quick Access panel on your left and add posts. After this, select the block with potential carousel post elements and apply the Post Carousel element. Your Posts Carousel can contain any number of posts and support any post type you want. The carousel post blog will display posts you see, the most crucial in an attractive and interactive form, to engage as many visitors as possible.

Also, do not forget you can adjust animation speed autoplay for a more smooth perception. Similar to any popular WordPress site, the carousel post blog can contain your whole post page using posts carousel. Identical to using Elementor, our post carousel widget combined with the overlay color can create a beautiful carousel post blog. Exploring our knowledge base, you will quickly learn how to create a carousel post blog with a post carousel widget and why a post carousel uses published required fields with marked notes. Our page builder contains an excellent post carousel widget that helps improve animation speed and posts carousel using posts carousel features.

Our post carousel widget is a very flexible and responsive post carousel widget that can promote the overall attractiveness of your carousel post blog. Your carousel post blog with a reply cancel comment section supported by the carousel widget will stimulate your users to communicate with you. Our carousel post blog with a post carousel widget can help the leave a reply option, which us easy to receive feedback and refund policy queries. Enter your email address data where the published post fields are marked, and then you can leave your reply cancel reply where the required fields are marked.